A massive movement was set into action from this election and you can catch the wave and ride it. With new hope both internally, across the country, and worldwide things will start to flow in very positive ways. Sure as I mentioned yesterday, it will take patience and some time but the inevitable has begun as sure as spring will melt the winter’s coat and leave the stream bulging with the fluid of life.
Under the brightness of this full moon tonight take a walk and listen to the shifting of your heart and the global heart from cautious protection to the budding of new expression. Feel the waves of discontent melting away and optimistic opportunity rising. Let that which has been held back speak up with an affirmative voice. Hear the call of the heart toward compassion. Be the aliveness resurrected from the darkness of loss and failure. Yes freedom will again enter the language and kindness offset the tiredness of empty rhetoric. Hear all that wants to speak to you and let these messages lift you up and inspire your future action.
The cosmic awakening, the consciousness expanding, the human spirit stoked with the fire of possibility and yet to be expressed passion is now set free. Can you feel the activation that is well underway in you to fire up your potential, to rev up you purpose?
To know which way to go is to hear what is known in you, what inner dynamic message is pulsating with a silent intensity. Listen and you will be clearly shown the way that is right for you.
Let the next few months fine tune your awareness and when January 20th arrives you will hit the road running. Your race will be to so how completely and fully you can be you in the most powerful and inspired ways. You at your best is being called into action. Are you willing to go for it with all you have inside?
Tick, tick, tick, Is that the sound of 60 Minutes or has your time come?