Yes money is important if you have things you want to do, places to see, support you want to give, investments you want to make and life you want to explore. You can do many positive things with money. There are numerous money principles out there and lots of money experts. There are many books, ideas and people you can checkout for more information. Here is a quick review of the higher laws of money and attraction; if you implement these laws an abundant flow will come more richly into your life.
1. Believe there is enough abundance in the universe for you to have what you want. That belief will set you going forward to attracting the life and money you desire.
2. Appreciate what you already have. An attitude of gratitude is a powerful money magnet. If you love what you have more will come your way.
3. Have a clear sense of what you want the do with more money. Imagine your life with an extra $10,000, $100,000 or $1,000,000. How would you use that money to enrich your life and/or make the world a better place?
4. Believe you deserve, that you add value to the world. The more you help, the more you give, the more heart you put into what you do the more the money will flow. Money flows where the thoughts go.
5. Living with purpose is a strong money magnet. You have a specific mission(s) in life and as you explore and express that, you open yourself to the flow of the universe, which wants to supply you to help you be successful.
6. Listen to the inner guidance of you intuition and higher self. That guidance within can lead you to the abundance you desire. Ask your inner knowing, “How can I better serve others and have a rich flow of money for doing so?”
7. Open your heart, be receptive and allowing when it comes to love and money. The heart is a big money attractor. As you open to love and giving, the flow to what you desire opens too.
8. Be willing to trust, take risks, give to receive, focus your intention, move past fear, think big, feel fully, and push yourself through to the finish line. You being you fully will make wonderful things happen.
These ideas when implemented will generate as powerful results as you make a commitment to creating. Live, love and prosper.
1. Believe there is enough abundance in the universe for you to have what you want. That belief will set you going forward to attracting the life and money you desire.
2. Appreciate what you already have. An attitude of gratitude is a powerful money magnet. If you love what you have more will come your way.
3. Have a clear sense of what you want the do with more money. Imagine your life with an extra $10,000, $100,000 or $1,000,000. How would you use that money to enrich your life and/or make the world a better place?
4. Believe you deserve, that you add value to the world. The more you help, the more you give, the more heart you put into what you do the more the money will flow. Money flows where the thoughts go.
5. Living with purpose is a strong money magnet. You have a specific mission(s) in life and as you explore and express that, you open yourself to the flow of the universe, which wants to supply you to help you be successful.
6. Listen to the inner guidance of you intuition and higher self. That guidance within can lead you to the abundance you desire. Ask your inner knowing, “How can I better serve others and have a rich flow of money for doing so?”
7. Open your heart, be receptive and allowing when it comes to love and money. The heart is a big money attractor. As you open to love and giving, the flow to what you desire opens too.
8. Be willing to trust, take risks, give to receive, focus your intention, move past fear, think big, feel fully, and push yourself through to the finish line. You being you fully will make wonderful things happen.
These ideas when implemented will generate as powerful results as you make a commitment to creating. Live, love and prosper.