Friday September 21st is International Peace Day and Bobbi and I and Peace Together are having a Peace Potluck to celebrate peace. Yes I know peace is still a work in progress but celebrating peace is a positive thing to do on the road to our goal. Peace is possible if we believe it is and if we are willing to visualize it, feel it, sense it, imagine it, and even dream about a peaceful world. Those that think peace is not possible are limiting themselves with that belief. There are many things going on in the world that do not fall into the category of peaceful but that doesn’t mean you and I shouldn’t have peace inside. Inner peace is a good place to start.
I invite you to set aside some time on Friday to imagine peace, to feel what it would be like to live in a peaceful world. Take at least a few minutes to honor the idea of peace, even sense your body and how it would feel in a peaceful life. You could join us at our potluck, or have one with friends. You could dance for peace or sing peace songs. You could start a peace community or have people get together and create a peace project. You could have a day of quiet contemplation or have a peace retreat. Do what you can do to create peace in your life. Here are some ideas to help you find more peace.
33 Ways to Have More Peace in Your Life
• Slow down and let your body come to rest once in a while
• Let you inner critic go and instead talk nice to yourself
• Listen to you heart and love more freely
• Pay attention to your feelings, make sure you are doing ok
• Spend time in the calmness of nature
• Take a nap and dream about being peaceful
• Pay attention to your intuition and act accordingly
• Be more playful, do more fun things and laugh often
• Have art days and express yourself creatively
• Read about being peaceful, Thich Nhat Hahn is great
• Sing songs that uplift you
• Check out the dances for universal peace in your community
• Go for quiet and relaxing walks
• Listen to the birds sing, the sounds of a stream or the wind
• Feel gratitude for all you have and for each moment
• Expand your breathing and feel how alive you are
• See the beauty of the world around you
• Finish unfinished stuff that is bothering you
• Have friends that really listen, be a friend and listen too
• Change beliefs that limit you or make you feel guilty
• Stop watching nightly news, do something healthy instead
• Notice where fear runs you and change your thinking
• Be kind to yourself and love and accept who you are
• Do what feels right, say no to what doesn’t
• Follow your own truth and live by your values
• Enjoy your uniqueness and express who you are
• Have a purpose in life and live it with passion
• Only make commitments you can honor and follow through on
• Focus on the positive and expect good things to happen
• Stop blaming, take responsibility for creating your life
• Explore what interests you and be a life long learner
• Wake up and see yourself having a wonderful day
• Find the peaceful place inside and visit often
You can start creating a peaceful life today. Enjoy and explore these ideas and let me know how it goes. Please feel free to leave your valued comments.