There is so much going on inside of you as there is in me and everyone else. What are your concerns in your own life? What concerns do you have for the planet? What are the needs you have so you can find some peace inside? I am asking these questions because I know, as a therapist for 30 years, there is much going on in your heart and mind. There is in everyone. I want to share with you a model of how being listened to, can make such a difference. The world needs lots of compassion listeners.
What happens when someone sits quietly and listens to you with an open heart is that you are able to share what has been banging around in your head. This sharing allows you to become more aware of your thoughts and concerns. Awareness is powerful because when you know yourself, you can take care of your needs, and be more present to the moment, you family and the world. Awareness is empowering and gives you choices. With choices you can choose the way you want to be and the kind of life you want to have. If you want to improve the quality of your life and your relationships begin by being aware, with awareness you can make choices and informed choices allow for health change. The model for change is:
This model is powerful in its simplicity. Listening is a key ingredient. What you and I need most from the people who care about us is for them to listen with understanding and free of advice. Listening with an open heart and free of judging is a wonderful gift to give to those you love and others in need.
I write this blog to encourage your fullest realization. When you are stuck or in need, reach out to those who can listen. The more you verbalize what is going on the clearer you can become about what to do. Advice from others is not necessary because inside you have all you need to create the life you want. Advice from experts when you need their information makes sense. Yet inside of you is an inner source of wisdom that can guide you to the life you want. Sometimes the best thing you can do is listen to yourself with an open heart.
Please feel free to send me an email or leave a comment below if you need to be heard or want a different perspective. I am listening and I do care. Peace, joy, love and a meaningful life are possible and I am here to cheer you on.