How are you doing today? I hope your answer is that you are doing well and that you feel good. I wanted to write today about some ways you can positively affect how you feel inside. You really do have control over your inner space so why not be happy and optimistic about your day and your life. Take these following ideas and experiment with them and see if the don’t brighten your day.
Accept Yourself – I write about self-acceptance regularly because many people do not accept who they are. This is simply a learned bias against yourself. Please make a commitment to stop judging yourself so harshly and replace those critical ways with love. Love yourself as you are now in this moment. Whatever resistance you have to loving yourself is old beliefs or programming you can change starting today. Accepting who you are in this moment is the starting point. Sure we all need to grow but growth goes best when you can love yourself as you are and then seek to be more of who you want to be.
Listen Inward – there is much going on inside of you. You have 10’s of thousands of thoughts and many emotions all flowing through you in a day. It is tough to keep up with all of this. Learn to pay attention to how you feel. Hear the voice of intuition or inner guidance that wants to show you the way. Also listen to the call of purpose and what your truth and guiding values are. Taking time each day to listen inward will provide you much feedback about how to shape your day and life into a masterpiece. You create your experience of the world from inside of you. Become good at letting your emotions, your intuitions, you truths guide you. Be careful of your reactions, your limiting beliefs, your inner critic because they are not taking you higher. Spend time each day getting to know your inner landscape and become an interior designer of harmony, balance and joy.
Feel Deserving and Grateful – not matter what thoughts say “no”, you do deserve the best in all parts of your life. Any thoughts of not deserving are learned limitations and need to be changed. You are an amazing human being in the midst of discovering all that you are and can be. Be grateful for your heart that loves and want to love more. Be grateful for your health of body, mind, and spirit. Be grateful for each breath you are given to explore even more of life and all the treasures of wonder, beauty and joy you can find. Be full of your greatness and live into a life that is meant to be celebrated, enjoyed, and played with.
If you play with, explore and practice these ideas you will find an inner harmony that feels great and you will create a life that you will be grateful to live in. That life is available now.
You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection. Buddha
For me, giving thanks is a sign of appreciation and gratitude that also brings about a deep sense of peace. Wally Amos
Freedom is man's capacity to take a hand in his own development. It is our capacity to mold ourselves. Rollo May