Innate Wisdom and Extraordinary Possibilities

I think I have fallen upon a pattern of how I select blog topics. I write about consciousness, compassion and purpose often encouraging the best in people. Then at least once a week I get all stirred up about what is going on in the world and in the political realm and I find myself ranting or at least asking questions and trying to stir things up in both your heart and your thinking. I also seem drawn to question the establishment often, which I am sure is part of my going into college in 1968 a time of expanding unrest. Regularly I like to share books and other resources I think you will find inspirational. Lastly it seems weekly I like to put together a list of what I consider helpful ideas. So there you have my unplanned schedule. I hope it is working for you?

My hope is that you not write me off for my direction one day because the next day it is libel to change. This blog is a reflection of a questioning mind, an ever-expanding awareness, a growing sense of inner peace, a deepening sense of compassion, and a driving desire to make a positive difference in the world. The balance for me is to feel all that gets stirred up inside and to keep my peace of mind.

On my recent road trip I listened to a very positive book that I think you will find of value if you like my writings about self-empowerment and personal growth. The book is by Deepak Chopra titled, The Book of Secrets, Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Life. The book contains 15 secrets, which I find deeply insightful and rich in wisdom and consciousness. It is a book that will need to be read or listen to at least several times. The depth of the writings reflect the insights of wise and contemplative teacher. Here is a my short summary of what in the first secret Deepak calls, “the wisdom you are already living:”

o You have a unique and powerful purpose
o You are connected to all of life
o You have an ever changing awareness
o You can feel acceptance of others, free of judgment
o You are in the moment rich in creativity
o Your being is in relationships with the universe
o You are open to the flow of life
o You feel inside a connection with source
o You feel the call to giving as the source of abundance
o You are open to seeing the truth of your immortality

Sit and be with these ideas. Each one is an invitation to step more fully into all that you are and can be.  Feel the energy of being in your innate wisdom and extraordinary possibilities.