What do you want and what is important to you? The world you and I live in is full of complications and challenges. You need to know what you want in your life and what is important to you so you can focus on making them happen. There are so many distractions in this life that unless you have focus you are bound to wonder about going from one thing to another. If you just want to explore than that could be interesting and fun. However if you have some results in mind than you must set you intentions and have a course of direction.
Another part of the question is what is important to you? What matters most to you? What do you value more than anything else? Below is a list of values to explore. Your challenge here is to choose your Top 10 from this list or from others values not listed. Once you have your ten most important values then you are to put those 10 in order of importance. When you are done you will have the most important of all your values as number 1 and second most as number 2 and on down to 10.
Creativity Learning Kindness
Fame Mastery Adventure
Parenting Loving Beauty
Spirituality Contribution Religion
Having fun Freedom Discovery
Health Looking good Approval
Challenges Supportive Emotional health
Purposeful Seeking Self-Realizing
Teach Lead Be extraordinary
Organizer Observe Provide
Wealth Success Gamble
Explore Justice Make a difference
Minister Design Spread light
Build Fitness Mind development
Grace Gratitude Genuine
Authentic Serve Compassion
Consciousness Work Relaxation
Protest Fairness Understanding
Listening Devotion Healing
Touch Influence Participate
Govern Play Write
Express Travel Pleasure
Avoid pain Nurture Inspire
Unite Win Bring together
Compete Environment Diversity
Acceptance Dominate Corporate accountability
Greatness Recognition Excellence
Accomplish Do good Improvement
Money Empathy Enlighten
Partnering Relationships Educate
Passionate Mission Intention
Model Uplift Goal setting
Intimacy Holiness Meditation
Flexible Energized Radiant
Peace Community Friendship
Coach Stimulate Sex
Grow Taste Humor
Laughter Acquire Art
Assist Sports Take charge
Represent Explain Follow
Beliefs Truth Honesty
Caring Impartial Awake
Potential Honor Strength
Power Humility Gratitude
Don’t forget to add any not included here. Once you have your Top 10 then put these values somewhere were you can review them daily. Your values are your guiding principles. If you follow and live by your values then you will feel positive about your life. If you tend to ignore them than you will feel less ok about what you are doing. Your number 1 value is the most important one to live by if you want to feel good about your life.
Make sure the values you list in your Top 10 are your values and not ones you learned and have yet questioned. Your values will change over time. Today your Top 10 values are your guide.
Please feel free to leave a comment below especially if you have a value or two you want to add to this list.