At an Earth Fair and in Unity Consciousness

I spent much of today at an Earth Fair in Denver talking to people about peace. I have been quoting Blessed Unrest by Paul Hawken as a book that is an inspiration to everyone out there doing what they know and feel they need to do to make a difference.

I talked to two women dispensing advise about gardening who had a sparkle of aliveness, questioning and revolution in their eyes. Not the armed kind of revolt but one driven by reason, truth and heart. I talked to a modest man, I assume a doctor, who had been to Cambodia on a medical mission to help those in need. He couldn’t wait to return to do something that really mattered to him and those he helped. Others shared their excitement for life and we smiled and wondered what was possible. Have you ever read Be here Now by Ram Dass? The brown section of that book must be dipped in something that is mind expanding.

I looked up into the sky and saw the blue beauty of midday and the dancing green leaves so clearly. Everything in the park was aglow and vibrating with life. I see so much more when I am feeling full of life and purpose. It is as if there is a greater me in that expansive state beyond ordinary boundaries. There is a knowing in that space of total connection to all living things as if the world was all unfolding in me. I hope you have been there too? It is place I call unity consciousness and it is located somewhere in you waiting to be realized.

Please take the time to find yourself. Don’t settle for less then all that you are. I smile when I feel the connection we all have and I want to meet you in that place where we are one in knowing. Remember the sense you have about this expanded possibility and journey there through the silence. You know the way because it has been calling you for so long. Isn’t it time to listen?

Meet you there or back here soon.