I woke up this morning thinking about the group I did last night at a power plant with a crew of very upset people. I was however at festival all day with our Peace Together company talking about peace and selling our peace t-shirts and wasn’t able to sit down and write until late this evening.
This crew had a co-worker seriously burned on the job. Nothing has been done to fix the situation. It didn’t take long to learn there are some very angry people at this plant. The accident was caused by a problem that the company did not wanting to put any money towards fixing. Every crew member who talked felt the profit margin of this company was more important than their individual lives. Something seems to have gone wrong here. This plant is old and the company refused to maintain it because it costs too much. These guys lives are much more in danger then they need to be. How is it that companies have put profit margins over lives? Corporations were set up to serve the people. Now it seems people are in service of corporations?
Before I go off on a rant, I must stop myself because I know there is a part of me that wants to do that. I question many things and that questioning gets me into trouble. I am not worried about the trouble. I am more worried about the frame of mind I get it when I go off on a blaming jag. Blaming and complaining are crap magnets. The more you stay in that stinking thinking the worse you feel. So I don’t want to go there now. Anyway, we do need to question what is going on with corporate control in or lives and in government. We need to question out leadership in our states and in our country. We need to get involved or the concerns of the people simply will not be met. Enough said tonight.
I want to end on something positive. Here is a quote from Osho, one of the most original and challenging thinkers I have come across. Be well.
I would like you to break the habit of waiting. You have waited enough. . . you have already waited more than was needed. Now start living! And there is only one way to life and that is to start now! There is no tomorrow, the only time is now. All tomorrows are imaginary. . . Only this moment is true and only this moment is the door to the divine.
. . . . Immediately you will see a new life happen to you. Osho