The day has started I am up and moving. I usually go for walk to let the inspiration kick into gear. Then I go downstairs to sit in front of my computer and let the blog start to write itself. I find the more I am relaxed the easier the process. I now have over 80 blogs written and have learned to trust the process. You know, trust is a very important part of writing and of life. I have found the more I trust the more the flow.
I feel open to the flow of wisdom, creativity, love and abundance that is all around me. The universe is made up of an endless flow of all this and much more. I walk along this beautiful path in the morning and I am struck with the abundance that surrounds me. The varieties of grasses, plants, trees, flowers, birds seem endless. Even the stream is full to the brim as if meanders through my neighborhood. It seems when I appreciate the amazing richness of the natural world I feel uplifted and inspired. Does that happen for you too?
Life is such a gift and each day an opportunity to live as fully as I can. I want to be rich in consciousness and spread it everywhere I go. I want to see the beauty around me and live a beautiful life. I want to live in flow of money and abundance to experience the freedom and to invest in a better world. I want to love and have compassion for all living things. I want to let creativity express through me and spread a bouquet of words, colors and musical notes around the globe. I want to feel the joy and laugh enough to have my eyes sparkle like the stars. I want to sit quietly and know peace and let that peace spread like a wildfire into the hearts of all humankind. I want to dance, run, bike and enjoy my body healthy, fit and alive. I am you; can you feel the flow going through us?
Today let you life focus on the inspiration in you and around you. Look around and see all there is to love and appreciate. Find things of beauty and recognize that in you. Read writings that uplift you and carry those words as yours. Gaze into the face of child and remember the one in you. Feel the urge to play and cut loose and step away from the routines, at least for a while. Take a moment to say thank you to yourself for being who you are and for following your desire to express even more of yourself. Yes you that extraordinary person waiting to express him or her self.
In the flow and together we let things go, we relax, we enjoy, we express who we are and the world changes naturally to reflect our expanded hearts, minds and souls. Shall we dance?