Being Who You Are Even More

Tomorrow in Boulder is a big day. There are between 45,000-50,000 people running here in an event called the Bolder Boulder. The 10 k event ends in the University of Colorado stadium with a huge crowd watching. The last two years I have participated in the event but this year I chose to avoid the suffering that comes from such an effort. Maybe I am wimping out, but it feels more like taking care of myself and trusting what feel right to me. I have raced as a distance runner for many years and now find it much more fun to watch then participate. I love to watch how strong and graceful the top runners are. Watching people perform with excellence is really inspirational to me.

My excellence as a runner is most likely past but there are other areas I can still thrive in and express my uniqueness. My art is very satisfying and my work for peace and consciousness seems to be growing in it’s potential. Maybe the best area for further excellence is in my heart. The ability to be an even more loving human being, more understanding and compassionate is worth exploring the rest of my life.

What areas do you want to shine in over the rest of your life? Where do you feel the call in you to express your excellence?
There is certainly yet untapped potential in you? Which of your potentials are you going to explore in the next year, five years, 10 years, or the rest of your life? Take some time to consider what possibilities you want to live out for the rest of your life.

Take some time to consider what areas of life you want to focus on and in what areas you want to explore your potential. Then put together a list of life directions worth checking out. When you have several ideas that feel purposeful, exciting and will challenge you then set up a plan to explore and express these expandable abilities. Set a course of action with plenty of time to delve deeply into your areas of interest. You could have a short and long term year plan or you could set an intention and go with the inner guidance. The important part is that you have an idea of where you want to go and then you set out to reach that destination.

Destiny will be you guide. All you have to do is show up and step into the greatest you can be. You being you is the best gift you can give to the world.