Special Guest Josh Baran Responds to Question

A few years ago I came upon a wonderful book filled with an amazing collection of writings that are inspirational and consciousness raising. That book is called, 365 Nirvana Here and Now by Josh Baran (available used through Amazon.com.) I had a sense that Josh was an amazing human being because to put together such a book meant he was a very insightful person. I decided to email him and tell him how much I appreciated his book and ask if he would be willing to respond to some questions, which I would then post on my blog. He said yes and here is the first question I wanted to ask him.

My Question: I feel and sense that there is an ever increasing consciousness on the planet; a growing concern about taking care of the earth; and many are awakening to a higher purpose. Still many of us are run by fear and worry. What do you see as the best paths/ideas/viewpoints to more inner peace and to more consciousness in the world?

Josh’s Answer: I would say that it is all about seeing clearly. We often do not see things as they are, but as we are. We see a projection of our thoughts, imagination. We don't need more consciousness, we just need to know what is true and what isn't. There is no lack. So I would say that what is needed is an active process of questioning our mind, our thoughts, the stories that run through our heads hundreds of times a day. We don't awaken in some future time, we wake up now as we pay attention and inquire.

I cannot know really about the planet and what others experience. I can start right here with my own experience. When we question our judgments, concepts, assumptions, we begin to stop believing these stories and then we can rest in the quiet mind that is already here and now. There is no secret. There is no future happiness. Sitting in your chair now, reading these words now, who are you?

Thanks Josh for the clarity of your words and ideas. I hope to have more of your insights and ideas to share in the future.

I too invite you the reader to become fully present to this moment and to who you are. The power of you asking questions and seeking insight will help transform the world.

Let me know your questions and what you discover.