Commitments Are Promises To Yourself

I hope you have had enough time to list you top ten desires for 2008.  Now it is time to get clear about what are you willing to commit to and what are you intentions?  Commitments are like goals except they are more internal, something you feel you are willing to put all your inner resources to work to make them happen.  Commitments are made to you, they are your word (promise, assurance), and they are powerful.  Do not commit to anything unless you are confident you will follow through and live up to your word.  Intention is bringing together the collective forces of mind, body, heart and spirit for the purpose of manifesting in the world.  

I want to write first about commitments.  What are you willing to commit your word to bring about from your list of 10.  Take some time over the next few weeks to get inner clarity on what it will take to be fully committed to the 10 new realities you want to create.  The whole month of December is available to get that clarity.  It has to feel right or it would be best to not commit.  Your word to yourself is very important to honor because a positive self-esteem is essential to creating success in your life.  Not living up to your own word will put doubt in how you feel about yourself.  

I look over my list of 10 and feel I am fully committed to at least nine of the 10.  Some of my 10 are ones I have been working on recently or for years.  My exercise program and my consciousness raising have been with me for many years so my commitments there have deeply nurtured my self-esteem and confidence in my word.  My love for my wife has blessed my life for about three years and that love continues to grow and both of us want to share that love with the world.  I am fully committed to that expansion of love.  

Peace Together is about two going on three years old and our mission of spreading peace is a commitment that is clear and passionate.  My blog goes along with that mission.  The blog will be a year old in February and as you can see I write every day on it so my commitment is strong.  The novel and the musical are two projects that feel fully aligned with my purpose so commitment is also clear about making them happen.  Living with passion and purpose are who I am and I want to expand into even a richer expression of them as well as live with more joy.  I feel joyous but also sense a deeper, limitless river of joy in reach.  

The financial freedom commitment is one that feels like it is still unfolding as money has been less then optimal but enough to keep going forward.  I am fully committed to unblock any logjam so that abundance and prosperity flow richly in my life.  

The friendship one which is 10th on the list is less clear.  I am a quiet person, that like to spend time alone and in my own space.  Bobbi and I share lots of time together and the love nurtures me greatly so friends feel like a plus but not a real need.  Male friends here in Boulder that we share like minds, and spirits would definitely enrich my life.  

What about your list of 10, are some familiar commitments?  Is your word something you can trust?  How much energy and passion do you have to making commitments to these 10?  Maybe the top 5 is what you can commit to or maybe the top 3?   Keep asking those questions you need to ask so that you know what you can commit to fully.

I will write about intentions tomorrow or soon.  I am realizing that I prefer to flow on this blog rather then set structure that I will follow.  Structure seems to feel limiting to me.  My commitment with this blog is to come from the highest and best place every time I sit down to write this.  I am living my commitment and I feel very positive that I am doing so.  

As always, I welcome your comments and ideas.  Leave comments below or email me at