Today I was onsite at a power company after an employee was found murdered and his spouse arrested. People at work are in shock as you might well guess. I talked with several and provided support. This kind of situation stirs up lots of emotions for anyone who cares at all about their co-worker.
How does a relationship go so wrong that murder becomes the way out of it? There is an elementary school aged child who now has lost both parents as the accused is in custody. What about her life? Was that not considered?
My work has taken me into a number of situations like this where loss is significant and most of these losses didn’t need to happen. What happens that people kill each other instead of getting help or going their separate ways? I feel such a pain in my heart for the child.
This got me thinking about loss and grief and how life changing these situations can be. Everyone in any way connected is affected by this awful death. Did it really need to happen? What could have been done to work the problems out? Do you see or know of situations that could use help? Are you willing to suggest help to those in need? Most people who work for companies have free counseling available to them through Employee Assistance Programs. I have provided those services for a number of years. They can make a really difference.
Novel Writing Adventure
I want to change gears now. I have been so inspired in my novel writing. As of the end of Day 5, I have over 15,000 words and 40 plus pages. YES!!! I can’t wait to write each day. There is so much fun and energy that comes form letting creativity flow through me.
You can have the same experiences by allowing yourself to express who you are with as much creativity as you can let flow through you. Creativity can happen in most anything you are doing if you just allow it to.
Find something you can get into creatively and become fully alive as you express all the greatness that is waiting to come through you out into the world. There never has been found a limit to your or anyone else’s creative expression. Be all you can be!