Boulder’s Cultural Creatives Visioning For The Future

Looking toward the future is the goal of the 2020 Vision for Boulder. I was invited to participate in an experience of planning for the future for the Boulder community. The visioning process will be led by Paul Ray, the author of the book Cultural Creatives. His talk Friday night was full of interesting and thought provoking ideas. His premise is that at this time there is an emerging wisdom culture that will assist the changes necessary in the important times ahead. The times now are highly transitional with what he calls, Better and Better, Worse and Worse and Faster and Faster. The culture creatives which are expanding in numbers to fit the needs of the times are always part of the leading edge of thinking and innovation.

He talked about when there are big and complex issues, individuals are not the best solution finders. What works best is to get a group of diverse people together and then all the pieces to the solutions can rise out of their collective work. Multiple perspectives offer more possibilities. I feel fortunate that I get to be part of this process. I will be spending my day today doing that and I look forward to sharing with you what I learn and what we create together.

If this sounds interesting to you, do some web exploration into:
Cultural Creatives
• Deliberative Democracy
• Citizen Wisdom Panels

I will share more after the day with my fellow Boulder cultural creatives.