The Top 10 Priorities For Your 2008 Success Plan

Let’s get to down to business and choose the 10 things you most want to happen in 2008.  So far if you have been following along you have a list and ideas to make sure that list comes from a place of knowing inside of you.  Now it is time to focus that list and get clear about your priorities.  

From the list I have put together, here are the 10 I want to commit to making happen in my life.  Each one feels worth giving my attention to and putting my efforts toward making them happen.
1.    Continue the ever-expanding love between Bobbi and I and love for the world
2.    Grow Peace Together and promote peace through creating more traffic to website and blog and create a foundation or fund
3.    Explore Life Blog continues to be inspired and increase readership
4.    Total financial freedom, passive streams of income that meet needs
5.    Continue to meditate and raise my consciousness
6.    Develop more uplifting friendships and experiences
7.    Continue to live inspired with purpose and passion
8.    Get funding for musical
9.    Get novel published and continue exploration of writing
10.    Keep fit and flexible with daily workouts

I don’t know about you, but it was difficult to reduce my list to 10.  The reason there is a limit because getting clear about what is most important is a key.  The ones that are most important will feel energizing, passionate, important, intuitive, life giving, full of love and meaning and will uplift your spirit.

Now the next part of the focusing is to put these in order of importance to you.  One will be the most important and ten the least important.  This will most likely take you some time unless you have already done that.  Which ones have the most meaning to you and feel the full of purpose and passion?

1.    Continue the ever-expanding love between Bobbi and I and spread love out into the world
2.    Continue to meditate and raise my consciousness
3.    Grow Peace Together,  promote peace, bring more traffic to website and blog, create a foundation/fund/trust, and specific projects
4.    Explore Life Blog continues to be inspired and increase readership, positive impact and funding for my efforts
5.    Total financial freedom, passive streams of income that meet all of our needs
6.    Keep fit and flexible with daily workouts
7.    Get funding for musical and produce it
8.    Get novel published and continue exploration of writing
9.    Continue to live inspired with purpose, passion and joy
10.    Develop more uplifting friendships and experiences

That was challenging to do for me.  I am clear all of these are important.  As you noticed, I changed the wording on some because the getting clearer process in ongoing.  Please give yourself all the time you need to make this list fit what you feel inside at you place of highest knowing.  The best ones to focus on feel right in your heart, make sense to your mind and take your spirit soaring with joy and possibility.

Can you give the next year to make these happen?  If you had to choose could you just do the top five and be happy?

From here on we are going to talk more about how to make these 10 into a reality in 2008.  These are your commitments to yourself and your life.  Please take your list with you and get to know it very well because you will most likely adjust it here and there so it feel right to you.  This is your list and only share it with people who will be supportive and encouraging.  

I have been on a reading frenzy lately trying to find quick easy reads to inspire you in this 2008 journey.  My goal is to give you lots of options and here is the next book for you to check out.  Libraries are great sources for these books.  This one in by Stuart Avery Gold and it is called, Ping, A Frog In Search Of A New Pond.

As always please let me know how it is going below on the comments section or email me