Last night I heard a talk that was both inspirational and full of hope. Frances Moore Lappe the author of the important book Diet for a Small Planet has written 15 books since then. She is out promoting her latest book Getting a Grip: Clarity, Creativity and Courage in a World Gone Mad. You can get more information about Frances and her book at Her book is full of ideas that will get you thinking as it challenges some of present paradigm of what democracy is and more.
Speaking of writing books there is a very interesting project in November happening all over the world. It is national novel writing month. If you have ever wanted to write a novel, here is a fun way to do it with all the support you could use. The goal is to write 4 pages each day and over 50,000 words by the end of the month. There will be many local support groups and lots of articles to explore to encourage you. If you have the least bit of interest check out have signed up and am excited to get started. I have a mindmap, ( if you haven’t done mind mapping, here is a great resource for this wonderful way to organize your thoughts) lots of ideas and inspiration, and a title. Next Wednesday after midnight I will be lighting up the keys of my computer with my first 4 pages. Why don’t you join us?
I figure 4 pages will take about and 60 to 90 minutes at about the pace I write. So in 30 to 45 hours you could have your novel’s first draft completed. Is that exciting to you, if so have a look at the site and sign up. Then my suggestion is to take some time to imagine what the story is you would like to write. Imagine it, feel it, see it and then write out the story line and you will be ready to go.
By the way while you are imagining, why don’t you see yourself getting an agent and selling the book to a publishing house and then see it on the New York Times bestseller list. Are you having fun yet thinking about this creative and energizing project? If your juices are flowing, and you feel energized. I suggest that this novel writing may be just what you need to really put a bunch of pizzazz in your life.
Then if you really are excited about what you have written at the end of the month, take December to edit and by the first of the year you can go looking for an agent. Or you can publish the book on your own and if you google self-publishing you will find lots of resources to assist you. Then you can call yourself a writer or even a novelist and enjoy seeing yourself in new and exciting ways. Life can be so much fun.
Francis in her talk last night made a enlightening statement. She said, “You don’t have to believe to do it.” When she wrote her first book, Diet for a Small Planet she had no idea that she could do it but she wrote one page at a time and then one day she got a call from Betty Ballantine at Ballantine Books and she was a published author.
Yes you can do anything you want to do, even if you are unsure you can do it. Take some time to explore what you want to do with the next segment of your life. It could be: writing a novel; standing up for democracy; giving time to an organization doing work you think is important; spending more time with those you love; start painting or playing music; learn a new language; travel to place you have always wanted to see; or anything else you have always wanted to do. This is as good a time as there ever will be to enjoy life even more fully.
Lastly, I wanted to say, I feel deeply for all those suffering in Southern California with the fires. My heart is open to them and I hope they all find their own stream of well-being to assist their full recovery.