Guided By The Light Within

I continue to read The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma and it is so packed with great ideas about how to optimize your life.  Please check it out.  The book is full of important life reminders in a story form.  It is inspiring me to write my own inspirational/metaphysical/personal growth type novel.  I will let you know how that goes.  I got an outline of ideas and about 15 pages written.  The challenge is to keep it interesting, have a good story, and share your ideas and lessons.  I like writing late at night sometimes because I am tired and my brain is wanting to slow down but my intuition is just humming along, so I let the wiser part of me go to work.

What works for you to be guided by a higher knowing within you?  Or are you even acquainted with your higher self/intuitive/spirit?  Of course you are.  There is higher knowing in you and it is available to guide you at all times.  You get intuitive senses about things don’t you?  Yes you do but you may not pay attention so those messages tend to fade into the background noise of your blabbing mind.  Well it is time to call that inner knowing forward if you are the least interested in making your life work well. 

Wake up and smell the sweet scent of success, the joys of life and the happiness of a loving heart.  Here’s how:

•    Start listening to your intuition and follow the guidance
•    Make contact with your higher self by getting quiet and listening
•    Pay attention to you heart and how much it knows
•    What does your gut instinct tell you
•    Where is their light shining in your life
•    Are you expanding or contracting in a situation, opening is a good sign, closing not so positive
•    Is the Universe trying to tell you something, do you keep seeing/hearing/noticing the same messages
•    What urges in you are calling you to go for more of life
•    What do you dream about having in your life
•    Are there are driving desires in you trying to take you higher
•    Have you heard the call of nature, or listened to a stream lately
•    Are you on purpose, if so the energy is there in abundance
•    Do you have a mission in this life, are you living it
•    As you read this, what is going on in your body
•    What kind of play do you like to do
•    How is creativity calling you
•    If you could do anything, what would it be
•    If your time was short in this life, what would you do
•    Your body doesn’t lie, what is it trying to tell you
•    Are you holding resentments and building walls anywhere in your life, stop, let go and open your heart again
•    Is food for nourishment or to hide what is going on inside
•    Do you pay attention to how you feel
•    Do you get energized around something, then go that way
•    What places can you go to be uplifted
•    What books set you free and take you higher
•    What Higher Source do you make contact with
•    Do you ever feel there is a guiding force with you
•    Where is there passion, follow that path
•    Slow down, take a long slow breath and ask yourself how else you can be guided

I hope that is enough to let you know how much wisdom is available to guide you at any moment in your life?  Tune in and explore and you will be guided.   Let me know how it goes.  Leave comments below or if you have questions send me a note