Real Conversations About What Matters Feel So Alive

Today began as beautiful sunny morning. The air was incredibly clean and fresh after last night’s vigorous wind blast. When we arrived at the event to reset up our booth we looked around at the effects of the wind. A number of booth tents were destroyed and stuff was blown all over. Nothing really serious but enough to test a persons resolve to go forward. This whole event has been underwhelming in attendees and most of us exhibitors just persevere and keep on showing up.

There has been highlights especially the conversations we’ve had with Mark at, Mark teacher and Theresa student at Naropa Universtity and Rick and Becky people we haven’t seen for awhile, Dawn another friend who stopped by and others. All of them bright and enjoyable people who think outside the box, who question what is really going on in the world. I feel energized when I get to have conversation with people who are real, able to think critically, and have compassionate hearts.

Event good news was that more people came today and sales got rosier. People who appreciate our positive messages about peace also really like our designs at

The event is about interacting with others and selling some products and doing our part to do something positive for the planet and its people. The theme is local is better because environmentally it makes more sense; less of a carbon footprint. If you want to know more about carbon footprint, just go to your favorite search engine and ask.

Solar power, consumer friendly business and local grown associations, natural plant growth and restoration products, eco-products, recycling and much more were available to learn about. One of the exhibitors said, “I recycle everything and do not through anything away, because I have never found ‘away’.” Yes where is away anyway? Everything we toss ends up somewhere.

What is very clear to me is that Earth care and people care are two important components in the times ahead. How do you take care of yourself and those around you and how do you care for the planet. The goal is to make sure your mind, body, heart and spirit are taken care of. Also assist those you care about in better self-care. At the same time your needs have to be met and your planet must remain livable. So you and I have things to do. Are you up to the task? Of course you are or you wouldn’t be here reading this or asking necessary questions, or feeling a strong urge to do something with as much purpose and passion as you can generate.

Have a good week and tune into the part of you that is ready to kick some _ss and start stirring the sheeple up so they stop blaming and living in a trance and get involved in making a difference.