Profits Soar While Most People Struggle

"Come on people now, smile on your brother. Everybody get together, try to love one another right now.“  The Youngbloods

This lyric came into my mind when I read this article about the top 500 corporations in the last year had a 81% raise in profits.  Does this seem right to you that the middle class is being eliminated by the greed of corporations and their leaders?

The lyric came to me because we do need to join together and demand things to change. Corporations need to pay their fair share of taxes so do the very wealthy.  You and I are the only ones that can make that happen.  Positive change for the people is so slow in Washington DC because the money interests don’t want things to change because it is all slanted in their favor. 

Also the key is to love one another as a the highest value, not the dominating values of greed and the accumulation of more power. 

Will you join me by finding you own way to work for positive changes?  Nobody I know including myself have the right answers but I am confident together we can find solutions that will work for the greater good. 

Inspiration From The Bowl Of Light

After I wrote The Bowl Of Light post late the night before I thought this idea of a bowl of light was so inspirational that I wondered what would it take for you and I to truly empty the bowl and how would our lives be different?  I want my bowl to be the light it was intended to be.  I sure could use that light in my life every day.  How about you?

First - how do we actually dump out bowl so it can return to its original nature?

Let’s start with the idea that each of us is carrying a bundle of past around with us and we need to let it go.  The best way to let the past go is to not dwell on it, forgive what needs to be forgiven, and then move on.  Set the luggage of the past down and lighten up.

Another thing we need to do is to move past any inner words that hold us back or put us down.  These words come in the form of limiting ideas and beliefs about us that are simply not true.  False ideas like we are not good enough or deserving, or smart enough or too much this or that.  Quiet the mind and help it be a friend.

Lastly it is time to mature past the ego dominance of our mind and emotions that has for centuries been the limiting consciousness of humankind.  We must give up the need to have power and control over others.  This control need has kept us small in our thinking and closed down in our heart.  Focus the ego instead on being a positive force.

Second - how much richer would our lives be if our bowls of light guided us to our highest expression?

With our bowl of light fully functioning we would be inspired to create a very uplifting and rewarding life.  This light would lift us up, keep us on track and help stretch us into being more fully what is possible within us.  Each day this light would guide all that we do.

With our bowl of light operating at full force we could experience the endless power of our heart.  An open and expressive heart is a blessing to the world.  Love, compassion and kindness would shape all we do and guide us to be a powerful and positive source of light in the world.  With light we can inspire, heal and help others find their own light.

With our bowl of light shining in our lives we could get in touch with our higher nature, be one with the spirit that guides us on a deeper and more conscious level.  We could live in reverence of each moment of each day.  We could humbly realize and express the Divine within us.

Let your Bowl Of Light shine today!

The Bowl Of Light

As often happens over at Sounds True, I heard another really interesting free podcast. (you can go through the ad to the right and look for Insights At The Edge.)  This amazing interview was with Shamanistic practitioner and Anthropologist Hank Wesselman.  He shares the wisdom he received from a great Kahuna (shaman, healer, teacher) in Hawaii named Hale Makua.  This interview contained was a very powerful image/metaphor that I want to share with you today.

The image is that of a bowl of light.  He spoke of the Kahuna tradition with great reference as he shared the image of people being given a bowl of light when they came into the world.  This bowl of light is given to each of us when we are born and it is to accompany us through life. 

Image a bowl illuminated with light, a light full of life force, a bowl full of possibilities.  This bowl provides us with the energy, mind-power, heart wisdom and inspiration we need to fully express ourselves.


As we go through life however things are put into our bowl like the judging and criticism of others, the messages of not being enough, the disappointments, the trauma’s of life and so much more.  Soon the bowl is to full of the past that very little light is able to shine on our life.  Have your past experiences dimmed the light in your bowl?

When the Kahuna was asked how we can clear out our bowl of light he suggest we turn it over and start again, this time keeping the bowl free to express all of its light.  The simplicity of this is so clear and wonderful.  Are you ready to turn your bowl over and let it shine brightly again?  Are you willing to keep it open by not letting the stuff of life shut down the light again?

OK turn it over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Checkout Hank Wesselman’s new book, The Bowl Of Light about the teachings of this wise Kahuna over at Sounds True.  

In Oneness With The Source

Let’s go on an inner journey today so that you might have an experience of what it is like to be the Source of all creation.  This journey will offer you insight into what is possible within you and all beings because of our divine nature.


That as you breathe in the force of life that flows through you, all the universe breathes with you

That in the moment you are aware of all living things at once and you can know each as it is

That the Earth is one of the beautiful gems of your creation and its inhabitant represent possibly the greatest variety of life forms in the Universe

That you love for all beings is infinite and eternal and fills all living things with your grace

That all forms of consciousness from single cells to the complexity of human consciousness is always in your awareness and you are in oneness with each living being and the knowing of all life forms through an ever expanding universe

That you have observed since the beginning of time the evolution of the Universe and all life like watching a never ending film about the beauty of nature

That you feel the entire range of all human emotions so you get to share in each person’s journey

That you can hear all human thoughts and can send inspiration to each person if they listen inward

That you can sense the souls of all living things working through their life lessons in search of oneness with you

That you can fully appreciate each day all the beauty you have created since the beginning of time

That you get to experience each life as part of you as it unfolds in exploration of it particular expression and purpose

That you know the love, joy and peace of always living in the moment

That when you are silent, the vast silence of the Universe is soothing and uplifting to you

That you can send energy, light, insight, joy, love, peace and whatever inspiration you want to any being requesting your assistance

That right now the collective knowing of all forms of life bring inspiration to you

That you are receptive and accepting of all expressions of life as they are and feel no need to judge

That what you want for all life is total and complete freedom of expression and you get to rejoice in this freedom

That you trust fully in the process of human evolution because each soul is a powerful source

That you feel great joy when humans realize their divine nature and express that in the lives the lead

This is the potential that lies within you, to be divine, to be creative in expression, to live with great purpose, to live in perfect freedom and to love without limits.

Bin Laden Is Gone, Are We Ready Yet To Evolve The Ego

The last 24-hours the Web has buzzing with the story of the killing of Osama Bin Laden.  The US wanted him dead not captured because there was too much to deal with if he was alive.  The mere existence of Bin Laden has been the driving force for so much of our foreign policy and the rationalization to continue such a huge and budget busting defense budget.  Having a defined enemy works very well for the military-industrial complex/ US war machine.  What will these merchants of death and destruction do now?  How will they rationalize all the money that gets wasted on more and more killing machines?

Maybe it’s time for an evolution of the ego-mind?  Maybe it’s time to mature beyond the big stick mentality?  Maybe we can grow up and act like conscious and compassionate human beings instead of power and control freaks?

Much of human history has been tainted by the endless warfare cause by the ego-minds of those who wanted to dominate others. This history of endless ego driven murder of each other is really a deep illness of the mind.  This illness is driven by thoughts and feelings of not being enough, of wanting to control and dominate others, of needing to be right, and more nonsense.  These are all indicators of unhealthy egos. 

A world free of ego dominance would be much better for all living things on the planet.  Can you imagine us working together on the planet cooperating with each other, celebrating differences, seeking mutual solutions and lived in peace?  This better world is not that far out of reach. 

The kind of changes necessary for a better world include the following:

  • A deepening connection and exploration of our higher nature
  • An active pursuit of expanded levels of consciousness
  • An opening of the mind to all kinds of ideas, possibilities, and points of view
  • An opening of the heart willing to express unconditional love
  • A search for individual truth beyond the conditioning of the past
  • An evolution of the ego’s need to be in control and ego’s use of fear to create that control
  • A maturity of humility, patience, compassion, and spirituality
  • A movement away from rabid nationalism towards a global citizenry
  • A commitment to deepening relationships with each other
  • A shift away from the mind’s endless judging towards acceptance of self and others
  • A willingness to step back and view self and the world with impartiality, as if we are an objective observer of reality
  • A realization of the unity (consciously, physically, genetically, at a particle level and much more) of all beings who share this planet.  An awareness that together we all share hopes for a better world for us and our families

These changes are both extremely complicated and profoundly simple.  If you and I go inward and take the time to listen to our higher nature, our intuitive knowing, we will be shown the way to a more expanded expression of who we are.

Now a few minutes of humor from Jon Steward's take on Bin Laden in case you think I am taking this all too serious.

15 Ways To Find Real Self-Love

The weekend went by too fast as it always does but it went well with lots of inspiration.  Today I want to write about self-love as essential to feeling ok about yourself and needed if you want to genuinely love others. 

There are two common myths spread about self-love.  One is that self-love is the sign of a big ego.  The opposite of that is true; self-love shrinks the need for a dominating ego.  Second is that self-love is self-centered.  Without self-love people can become self-centered because they don’t feel ok with who them are.  If you love yourself, you have much more love to give others.  Self-love is so important at so many levels.

Self-love keeps on coming up as a theme with my clients and people in my life.  In my work as a therapist, I know all my clients would benefit from a big dose of self-love.  I wish it came in the form of a vitamin like a Vitamin L for self-love.  Then I could have a big supply on hand and give them doses when needed.  I suspect we would all do well with a one-a-day dose of self-love.

Since there is no Vitamin L and since self-love is so important I want to share with you fifteen positive ways to find self-love.

  1. Mindfulness – this is a simple practice that takes self-discipline and a willingness to bring your focus to self-awareness throughout your day.  Be mindful and accepting of yourself and self-love will grow.  Peace Is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hahn is a wonderful book about mindfulness
  2. EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques, which is also known as tapping is a simple but very useful techniques to offset old negative programming.  Checkout EFT at where there are many examples of how to do this technique.
  3. Mirror Work – Louise Hay a famous teacher and healer has an exercise that is very powerful.  Each morning stand (without clothes) in front of a mirror and affirm that you totally love and accept yourself.
  4. Caring For Your Body – make sure you take good care of your body including watching your weight, eating healthy, exercise, stretching, and lots of rest.   If you feel good in your body, you will feel accepting of yourself.
  5. Positive Thoughts – If you thoughts and self-talk are positive, supportive and encouraging, you will find it much easier to love yourself.  Your inner dialogue shapes your experience of yourself.
  6. Pay Attention To Your Feelings – feelings flow through you throughout your day and if you acknowledge what you feel and can be accepting of these feelings you can love yourself.  All feelings are ok.  Stuffing or denying feelings is not healthy.
  7. Stop All Judging – the mind is a judging machine that places everything under the categories of “good” or “bad”.  Judging of self can often make you feel unlovable.  Cease all judging and instead open your heart.
  8. Live With Purpose – a purposeful life feels positive and meaningful.  When you live with purpose you are alive, focused and energized.   Loving yourself is easier when you are living with purpose.
  9. Find Your Spirit - you have a spiritual nature.  This higher nature is beyond the story/drama of who you are.  Your spirit is infinite with endless possibilities and potential
  10. Open Your Heart – self-love takes an open, caring and kind heart towards self.  Opening your heart means accepting and trusting yourself fully even in the midst of your human imperfections.  Loving yourself is possible when you have compassion for who you are.
  11. Be Patient – The journey back to self-love can take some time and focus.  Sit back, take a few deep breaths and let yourself slowing become aquainted with the beauty and wonder of who you are.
  12. Step Back and Observe – if you can learn to develop impartiality towards yourself, you will become free enough to love and fully express who you are.  The more you can observe and watch yourself with a spacious heart, the more self-love is possible.
  13. Let Go And Forgive – the past is over and sometimes the hardest person to forgive in you.  Forgiving you is essential to feeling positive about yourself.  To not forgive is to build resentments which make you feel distant from yourself and the world.
  14. Live Today Fully – today is all you have and if you live it as fully as you can, you will feel good about yourself and you life.  Self-love only exists in the now.
  15. Serve Others - caring and kindness towards others enriches your sense of self.  The more compassion you can have for those around you, the more you will feel love for who you are and what you do.


The Source Of All Creation

It has been awhile since I talked about the journeying I am doing through my out-of-body experiences (OBE).  This form of inner practice continues to enrich my life in so many ways.  Today I dissolved myself into oneness in the ocean of consciousness and went in search of the Source of the universe I had a very interesting and expansive experience.

I entered into a conversation with the Source who is called by many names in spiritual and religious traditions.  This Source has no preferences as to what to be called or what we believe.  The following is what I have been told:

There is a Source for this universe that is not a person but a consciousness that is aware of all things. 

All things natural come from this Source as an evolutionary process. 

Source experiences the evolution, which is not regulated but allowed to freely express itself. 

Source is not connected to any belief system but simply watches the evolution of thought of all living beings. 

Source is not separate but one with all things. 

Access to communicating with Source is through inner contact, which involves listening deeply. 

All creation, all love, all higher consciousness, all inspiration, all peace, all hope, all joy begins at this Source.

Love is the highest human expression and Source has infinite and unconditional love for all.

There is free choice in all-evolving life.  At the human level this freedom of choice is the most advanced.

We are not an experiment but rather an expanding process that began at Source.  This expansion is always expanding.  If we go inward we can feel the invitation to expand consciously.

Higher consciousness is aligning with Source and there are many practices developed by humans and inspired by Source to expand consciousness.

All beings are encouraged to evolve towards higher levels of expression.

The human destruction of each other and the planet is not inspired by the Source but a product of freedom of choice that is not tuned into higher consciousness.

There are many human systems that are not sustainable and Source is always sending inspiration to help those who are open to higher guidance and want to help change things for the better.  Freedom of choice is never limited.

Source is always available to each person at the level they are open to receive.  An open heart and open mind is essential to have a meaningful connection to Source.

When asked about other living beings in the Universe, Source did not want to answer at this time.

There is more to come is what I am being told as I write this and the information above comes from Source not from me the writer.

Questions Are Needed and Cooperation Is Essential

It is time to ask some questions again because there is much that is going on that needs to be questioned.  Now that your self-esteem has taken a boost(see last two posts) are you ready to take on the major oil companies as there profits soar and we go broke at the gas pump?  This situation is definitely about profits vs. the working people.  Is it ok with you that corporate greed is costing us so much because the gas prices are raising costs of food and so much more?  Should greed be allowed to be the dominating force of this nation?  A world based on compassion seems such a better way.

The money going into the war machine in this nation is robbing from us and future generations.  How come we keep getting into more wars when the majority of Americans don’t support these wars?  What will it take for us to grow up enough to not have to kill people to show them who is in charge?  All wars are about ego, so what ego issues keep getting us into these messes?  Peace and cooperation are the answers, not more spending to build more killing machines.

Our president has been a big disappointment in many ways.  Do you see any real change?  Isn’t it more of the same stuff of corporate dominance, war and more war, money dictating policy, the bashing of unions who represent the people much more than the politicians, and supreme court again siding with the corporations instead of the people, bank fees always climbing, and so much more of the same old stuff that doesn’t work?  Are ego-based economies sustainable?  Is greed, power and control sustainable?   Can a president ever be free enough to do what is right?  It seems the influence of money needs to be removed from elections and government.

These themes are familiar and each of us has to look in the mirror and ask ourselves are we ready yet to find ways to cooperate with each other so we can find solutions?  Or are we determined to keep our point of view and judge those who think differently?  Isn’t it time we went looking to find common ground with open minds and compassionate hearts?  Without open minds aren’t we closed to many possibilities?  Without compassionate hearts don’t we loose touch with our humanity?  We are capable of so much more caring, kindness and love.

Two more questionsWhat will it take for us to bring about positive changes for all the people and the planet?  What can you do today to help make that happen? 

Is there any doubt that we humans together can be positive forces for real and meaningful change?

30 Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem – Part Two

I hope you found the first fifteen self-esteem booster helpful.  Here are more to explore:

1.         Learn To Trust – trusting yourself is the place to start.  You have an intuitive knowing you can always trust.  As you trust yourself you can learn to trust others.  Trust sets you free to relax into life.

2.         Be Grateful – there is so much to be grateful for and when you take the time to notice all the positive things in your life you feel better about who you are.  Each day, each breath is a gift to appreciate.

3.         Be Self-Reliant – the more you take care of yourself, the more you make things happen the way you want them to, the more you take charge of all aspects of life, the more positive you feel about you.

4.         Accept Yourself – Each day accept yourself as fully as you can.  Yes you have room to improve but improvement comes best when you start with self-acceptance.  You are an amazing being with unlimited possibilities and potential.

5.         Have Self-Discipline – when you set your own course and do what it takes by following through with your commitments, you learn that you can do anything you focus on with a clear mind and an open heart.

6.         Create Healthy Relationships – those you spent time with shape your sense of self.  Make sure you have positive and supportive relationships with the people that matter to you.  This means having an open heart, listening with compassion, and accepting them just as they are.

7.          Forgiveness – feeling ok about yourself means letting go of the past, forgiving yourself for all the things you have done as an imperfect human being.  Forgiving others is also essential because resentments drain away your life force and block your heart.

8.         Take Responsibility – drop the blame and complain game and instead find out what part you can play in the experiences of your life.  You are truly the only person responsible for the life you create.

9.         Live In The Now – the past is not you and the future is not who you will become.  You only exist in the present moment.  In the now you can be anything you want to be.

10.         Be Happy – yes don’t worry plays an important part of the happiness formula.  Happiness is an inside game that starts with how you talk to yourself and how open your heart is.  Happiness can only happen in the present.

11.         Acknowledge Your Feelings – all your feelings are ok and if you allow yourself to feel what you feel and just watch they just keep changing.  Thoughts create feelings and accepting your feelings creates a positive sense of self.

12.          Pay Attention – in the silence within you is an infinite wisdom source that is always trying to show you the way to a more satisfying life.  You can be so much wiser by listening to your heart, your gut, your body messages and your spirit.

13.          Stand Tall – when you live according to your values and what you believe in then you act with self-belief.  This courageous way of living is centered in you wise mind and expansive heart.

14.          Seek To Create – you were born with a creative genius to fully express all of that is possible within you.  That genius needs to be explored and expressed to feel good about who you are.   Have fun in the creation of your life.

15.         Express Love – the best for last.  You have a heart that has an endless capacity to love, to be compassionate, to care and to be kind.  You could love every being on the planet and still have more love to give.  Make spreading love your purpose and you will find peace with self.

Now my promise to you is that if you take the time to explore these ideas, you will feel better about yourself, be more confident, and experience a great deal of success in life.

30 Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem – Part One

Last night at the Boulder Bookstore Dan Millman spoke.  His book the Way of the Peaceful Warrior is one of my favorite personal growth novels.  He has a new book called The Four Purposes Of Life that I look forward to reading.  I got to shake his hand and appreciate the wisdom he has acquired over his many years of writing and leading seminars about realizing our highest expression as a human being.

Yesterday in my group at work I brought up the topic of building a positive self-esteem and we came up with a wonderful collection of ideas that I wanted to share with you today.  We can all use a boost to our sense of self so here is what we came up with including some additional comments:

30 Ways To Boost Your Self-Esteem:

  1.          Positive Thinking and Self-talk – if you want to feel positive about yourself one of the most effective ways to do that is to make your inner dialogue positive, supportive and encouraging.  Negative thinking brings you down.  Enter each day with a positive expectation.
  2.          Nutrition - Take care of your health by eating right, good nutrition has a powerful influence on your energy, clarity of mind, and emotional balance.  Lots of sugar is an emotional rollercoaster.        
  3.          Rest Is Important – most people don’t get enough rest and sleep.  A power nap a day will do much for your well-being and enhance your health.
  4.          Be Gentle With Yourself – too often you may be hard on yourself and that doesn’t feel good.  Instead be kind to yourself and appreciate who you are.
  5.          Keep On Growing – if you keep growing you will feel good about yourself and your life.  More awareness equals more ok-ness with self.  If you learn something new each day your life will never be boring.
  6.          Have Healthy Boundaries – respect yourself enough to set limits, to say no to what isn’t right for you, and say yes to what is healthy for you.  Spend time with people who lift you up.
  7.          Play And Have Fun – life is way to short to be too serious about it.  Let the child in you show you how to play and enjoy the simple things in life.  Make it one of your daily goals to have fun.
  8.          Expand Your Wisdom and Consciousness – build a healthy relationship with your higher nature, see to awaken, go in search of new insights to expand you as a human being.  Tap into the collective consciousness and be amazed.
  9.          Be Humble – humility is a wonderful quality because the ego is not in charge.  As a humble person you are always open to learning and never stuck on the need to be right and in control.
  10.          Live With Purpose - having a job you like makes you feel positive.  Work that feels meaningful makes you feel even better.  A purposeful life is very satisfying and uplifting.
  11.          Honesty – being honest with self is a great foundation for life.  If you are inwardly honest you can be honest with others.   If you live dishonestly you will not be comfortable in your own skin.
  12.          Keep Ego In Check – the ego wants to take over your life and keep you focused on the past or the future.  A contained ego leaves you open to getting the most out of your life every day.
  13.          Appreciate Your Accomplishments – even the smallest of successes are worth honoring.  The more you do what you say you will do, the more you keep your word with self and others, the better you will feel about yourself.
  14.          Sober Works – if you have problems with alcohol or drugs it won’t work for you to use them.  Find other ways to explore life and deal with the challenges that you may face.
  15.          Build A Positive Support Network – spend your time with people who are positive, supportive, fun, encouraging and relaxed.  If you hang with good people, you expand your goodness.

I will bring you Part Two tomorrow.  Let me know which ideas will be helpful for you.

Walking Mindfully Will Bring Greater Emotional Well-Being

After I posted yesterday’s blog I went for a long walk up into the hills.  I needed the walk because something was stirred up inside and I wasn’t sure what it was.   A friend from the past had written me and asked for money because she wasn’t doing well.  I felt for her and wished I had extra at this time to give.  Something deeper however was stirred up in me and on my walk I received greater clarity.  These economic times we live in have stirred much fear in many, myself included.   I have been trying to push back the fear by keeping a positive point of view and trusting in things working out.  Being positive and trusting is an excellent frame of mind in difficult times.  However trying to push away or contain emotions does not work. 

Imagine a spring of emotions trying to come to the surface and sitting on a lid trying to contain those emotions.  This containment would take a lot of energy especially as the unexpressed emotions grew.  Eventually the lid would blast off and send me to the moon.  That is the power of emotions and why they need to be acknowledged and accepted.  If emotions are not explored they cause great unrest inside; if they are expressed or at least explored they dissipate. 

On my way back down the trail I felt lighter and freed up because I had spent time exploring what was going on both in my thoughts and with my emotions.  The relaxed walk back towards home also filled me with energy for the day and some really interesting ideas.  I already started in my mind an e-book about walking to awaken, to be more aware, and for our well-being.  My walking meditation practice has enriched my life in so many ways.

It is clear to me that I need more time to get all the amazing ideas that have been flowing through me lately down on paper or more exactly into files so this information can be made available.  Now my task is to create the freedom of time and financially so I can do what I need to do to make more writing happen.

Hope your day goes well and you have some time to walk mindfully.

To Suffer Or Not Is A Choice

My typical Saturday evening ends up at the Boulder Bookstore, one of those really nice and comfortable hometown book stores full of endless new and used books that I want to read.  My wife and I enjoy seeing what the latest new books are and what ones have made it to the used section of the store. 

Saturday night a book kept on drawing me back to it and finally I opened it up.  The words seem to talk directly to me, almost as if the consciousness I have been exploring was clearly spelled out between the covers of this book called The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.  Thank you Michael Singer for entering into my consciousness and putting clarity it into my exploration. 

Here are some of the clear and enlightened gems that show up in this book: 

There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the mind – you are the one who hears it.  (Most of the time we actual think our thoughts are who we are and we rarely if ever step back and just observe)

Your inner growth is completely dependent upon the realization that the only way to find peace and contentment is to stop thinking about yourself.  (The ego-mind is fascinated by its inner dialogue and is unable to be in the now and quiet)

The great mystery begins once you take the deep seat within.  (If we are willing to go into our silence, we discover we are infinite in possibilities)

Your heart is one of the masterpieces of creation . . .  It has the potential to create vibrations and harmonies that are far beyond the beauty of piano’s, strings or flutes.  (Think of the early moments of a new love or the endless moments of love for the divine)

The prerequisite to true freedom is to decide that you don’t want to suffer anymore.  (Yes it is a choice and you can make that decision now by becoming mindful)

Now I get to explore this book at greater depth and as I understand and expand I will share my insights with you.  Have a good week and I will be back soon to share more.

5 Ways To Rise Up To Your Higher Nature – Happy Easter

Isn’t it time to push the boulder of the ego-mind out of the way?  Haven’t you held yourself back long enough?  Are you ready to rise up and be self-realized?

Rising up means to move into your higher nature, which is always waiting to be realized.  

5 Simple Steps to Self-Realization

Stop believing your own thoughts, this is the ego mind at work, instead go quietly inward and discover who you are beyond those thoughts.

Find the place in you aligned with the infinite, with the creative source of the universe and spend time there each day.

Open your heart to experience your connection to all beings, live in that compassion and unity consciousness.

Each day sit in silence, walk quietly or do other inner practices so that you can be guided to your highest expression.

Reach out and serve others, make a difference, live with purpose and spread joy and love.

And let it be.


Every Day Is Earth Day

Yesterday I wrote about Earth Day and about other things going on in the world and my town.  Today I want to bring the focus back to our planet since it seems such a precious gift that we get to live here.  If I am paying attention to the moment and I am outside, I feel the nurturing of nature and it heals and comforts me. 

Yesterday it was a warm and sunny day and last night about an hour before dusk we took our dog Pax and hiked up into the hills.  There is a forested mesa we hike to and it is almost always quiet and peaceful.  There we get to enjoy nature and watch our dog play and explore with his time off leash.   It feels so nice on a Friday to release the week of work in the beauty of what surrounds us. 

This morning the warmth of yesterday is replaced by snow falling.  It looks nice out there but too cold and wet for a bike ride yet.  The rhythms of the Earth are so unpredictable that we have to learn to flow with what is.  The Earth is a very good teacher because it is always teaching us about flow, about beauty, about nature as a healing place and so much more.

Today I want to be grateful for: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil that provides us food, the minerals and what is created from them, the beauty that inspires, and the amazing and wonderful variety of all my fellow inhabitants.  It seems every day is Earth Day. 

Will you join me and bring more awareness to your appreciation for our planet Earth?  We all need to be stewards of this planet because it is our home. 

Earth Day, Easter, I Am and Alfalfa’s Market

TGIF and thank goodness for life being so interesting.  Today’s post is an appreciation for such an inspirational kind of day.  I have: words of gratitude for our planet; a recommendation for a film; an afternoon adventure exploring my favorite kind of store, a new healthy food market; and a hope for more love on a high religious holiday.  What fun will you take in today?  How will you thank our planet for providing you a place to live? Could this be a day to open your heart?

First - Today is Earth Day and as far as I can tell the Earth is the greatest gift humanity as every received.  Now we can give back and make a difference.  Step outside today and take the time to appreciate the air you breath, the color of the sky, the water you drink, and this Spring day.  What are you going to do to show respect and gratitude for this gem of a planet? 

Second - I see the movie “I Am,” by Tom Shadyac is opening in a number of cities and I wanted to again enthusiastically endorse this film because it inspirationally and timely.  I got to meet Tom up close at a preview screening and he is a uplifting person who awakened to a bigger view of what is possible. 

Third - As a way to celebrate healthy foods here in Boulder a former health oriented market is brought back to life on Earth Day 2011.  This store will add to the already loaded market of Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Sunflower Market hopefully keeping good quality foods at a reasonable price.  I will be at the Alfalfa Market to check it out today.  I love preparing and tasting foods and I look forward to see what wets my creative cooking cravings.

Fourth - This is also Good Friday with Easter on Sunday.  For many people these are very important days in the Christianity.  I hope that whatever our beliefs that we have an open heart on this day because our love, compassion, caring and kindness has the capacity to bless us all.

We All Benefit From Inspiration

My experiment to post less frequently whiled I worked on my book and traffic lasted about a week.  I love posting daily because it keeps a rich flow of inspiration flowing through me and my writings are often self-reminders.  What I understand about us human beings is that:

  • We all find reminders helpful
  • We regularly need to get back on track
  • We tend to do what is right in front of us
  • We have busy chaotic minds that need re-direction
  • We can feel panic about the responsibilities we have
  • We have powerful emotions that can be overwhelming
  • We can have the best intentions and still head off in the wrong direction
  • We can get distracted and forget what is important
  • We get tired and need the energy of focus
  • We can always use ideas that expand what we think is possible
  • We can feel hopeful when our mind is running on positive
  • We want to do well and sometimes all it takes is a spark of an idea

With these human tendencies regular inspiration does make a positive difference.  If you work intensely helping others you understand the benefits of uplifting ideas.  If your intention is to leave the world a better place change seems more possible when you are inspired. 

Inspiration is a key component for ongoing growth and the fullest realization of our own potentials.  In these days of lots going on and fears about the future there is a need for some hope, for sources that enrich our imagination and invite us to expand into higher states of being. 

My blog is about inspiration at its core.  In the next few months I am going to expand my focus on inspiration because it seems so important when things feel so uncertain.  I want to reach out and spread the light of inspiration: to everyone who is trying to make a difference; to all who try to help others;  to all those in human services; and to those active is social change. 

I feel a deep connection to all of you who have compassion for others; for people who care about people.  Together we can make a difference and our light is needed. 

Peace to you and let me know what inspires you.  Here is a great person of light, the love of the hugging saint.

Can We Try Cooperation Instead Of Conflict?

Cooperation is the very best way to deal with problems.  Is there any doubt that together we can figure out solutions to any of the world’s problems?  When people join forces and combine their minds great things are bound to happen. How come on a national or global level we don’t come together and cooperate with each other to discover solutions to the important issues of our time?

The answer is we let our ego get in the way.  We want to be in control, have the power and take credit for positive results.   This dominator mindset has been directing human history for far too many years.  This is the same mindset that ran Napoleon, Alexander the Great (really not so great) the Crusades, much of the chaos in the Middle East and American foreign policy.  The basic principle is, I am right and you are wrong.”  This same mindset runs the US Congress.

How do we grow past this slow to evolve adolescent consciousness in our interaction with the each other?   How do we look at where we have been, where we are now, and where we need to go and raise our awareness enough to turn to each other and change the world?   The following questions seem important to consider:

Can we stop pointing fingers, blaming and instead turn our focus to what the issues are?

Can we drop the need to be right and instead go in search of what will work for us all?

Can we think globally and not just nationally or personally?

Can we eliminate all influences in the decision making process that are based on greed?

Can we see far enough into the future to consider the effects of what we are doing on to the generations to come?

Can we recognize and accept differences and use each person’s unique perspective to enrich our search for solutions? 

Can we bring compassion into all consideration to eliminate harm to any living beings on the planet? 

Can we put aside our arrogance and instead by guided by higher wisdom and humbleness of spirit?

Can we relax, lighten up and do what we do with peace of mind?

Can we grow beyond motivation through fear towards cooperation for mutual benefit?

Can we have as a plan to meet the needs of everyone on the planet?

Can freedom of expression be one of the outcomes we want for everyone? 

Can we come together in cooperation with a shared vision of greatness both is human possibilities and positive results?

If we cooperate, there is no limit to where we can go and the results we can create.

10 Ways Of Self-Imposed Suffering

The Emmet Fox’s Seven Day Mental Diet I referred you to on Sunday is a challenge that seems well worth the effort.  As part of my effort to explore life I have decided that this diet would be an excellent experiment.  When I am ready in the next few days I will not dwell on the negative and instead have all my thoughts positive, constructive, optimistic and kind.   Read the article as an antidote for self-imposed suffering and see if you are up to the challenge.

In my therapy work the theme of self-sabotage keeps raising its ugly and powerful head. How come people let the conditioning and experiences of the past beat them up in the now?  Yes I know it can be very hard to release the past and not let it dominate your experience of self.   

Here are 10 possible reasons you might be engaged in self-sabotage:

You are angry and disappointed with yourself so you unconsciously limit things working out well in your life  

You deny you emotions until you self-destruct

You judge yourself harshly and beat yourself up with your inner dialogue 

You fell more comfortable disliking yourself because it is familiar

You are stuck in a pattern of depression and self-doubt

You are getting back at a parent (others) for something that hurt you in the past

You were raised in an unhealthy home and you think feeling bad is how it is suppose to be

You are out of touch with yourself so you mess up because you are not paying attention to what you need

You have past trauma that keeps you numb and distant from self and the world

You don't believe in yourself and expect life to be a struggle

Do any of these explanations sound familiar to you?  You are encouraged to step back and become aware of the inner limitations you have place on yourself.  These inner limitations are self-imposed because in the now you are allowing them to dominate your life.  Why not become aware and make other choices?

Aligning With The Infinite

You are a multi-dimensional being able to expand greatly beyond the limited workings of the ego-mind.  I bring this up because it is so easy to get caught in thinking your life drama is who you are.  The drama belongs to the workings of your ego; drama means you are seeing you and your life in very limiting ways.

Imagine that there is an ocean of consciousness that fills the universe.  This consciousness contains the wisdom and knowing of all of humanity and comes from the Source of all creation.  Tapping into this consciousness means you and I have access to infinite wisdom and potential. 

Now imagine that you are a drop that enters into the ocean of consciousness.  Immediately you become connected to all the wisdom and potential.  In this unifying moment all is one.  This realization of oneness and all the possibilities that come with that is much more of who you are than your ego-mind.


Today I am inviting you to see yourself from the perspective of your spirit, your soul, which can be called your higher self or “I AM” state of mind.  This expanded you is limitless, eternal and a most powerful and purposeful force. 

The following is a list of benefits you receive when you align with your infinite spirit: 

Free of judging others and self

Free of enemies

Free of need for approval

Free of need to be in power and control

Free of ego’s influence

Free of the need to be right

Free to learn and grow

Free of any past trauma

Free of any disease

Free to be fit and strong

Free to express your fullest potential

Free of limits of dogma and doctrine

Free to be who you are in the now

Free of the past

Free of the limits of time

Free of physical limits

Free of pain and suffering

Free of self-doubt

Free to be creative

Free to connect to all living things

Free to realize the unity of all life

Free to be joyous

Free to be at peace

Free to live fully

Free of self-imposed limits

Free to be in the rich flow of abundance

Free to play and have fun

Free to love without limits

Free to accept everyone

Free of the fear of death

Free to travel through time

Free to enjoy each moment

Free to care about self

Free to give and be generous

Free to have compassion

Free to be kind in all you do

Free to explore your unique genius

Free to do what you want

Free to explore new places and have new experiences

Free of worry, fear and impatience

Free to be a good friend

Free to inspire others

Free of any expectations

Free to do your best

Free to see the beauty in all things

Free to do the dance of joy

Live as your Spirit and you will experience endless freedom, love, joy and peace.

Thought you might enjoy this 5 Lessons On How To Treat Others

Sunday Ramblings On Self and Politics

I have been trying to post less frequently and focus more on my book and building traffic to this site (PLEASE if you like my blog let others know about it, THANK YOU)I miss the daily posting so some days my posts will be brief with something I am recommending, concerns about the world or some ideas that are inspiring me. 

Here are several thoughts that have been banging around in my head the last few days:

First some personal observations:

  • When I get upset because of things not going well it is because I let my thoughts take me down.  When I feel down, I look inward and find out what thoughts are running me.  These thoughts then need to be replaced with more hopeful thoughts.
  • On a journey out-of-body I had a profound experience when I entered into the ocean of consciousness.  See my blog tomorrow for more of what I experienced.
  • My restlessness in search of more freedom now has a number of goals and plans and I have begun to take action.  I am determined to create freedom for my wife and I.

Politics – there is so much to say here I have to limit myself:

  • President Obama needs to be bold, we need bold leadership now. The ego-storm called the US Congress is a mess and we need the president to inspire the nation.
  • War and tax breaks for corporations and the very wealthy are breaking our country not the unions, medicare, social security, or the healthcare need of the people.
  • Deficits are only a problem for Republicans when there is a Democrat in the oval office. Bush and Reagan ran up huge debts.  This demand for a balanced budget is a clear ploy to destroy government regulations and to take away the working people’s safety net. 

This is an interesting article about using your mind as an asset by Emmet Fox   See you tomorrow with a very interesting diagram and inspiration for living in your spirit.