Four Years And Still Going

Lately, I have been surprised by the continual inspiration that keeps showing up at the end of my fingertips.  This week my blog will have been going for four yearsThe total number of posts are now about 1350.  Thank you Inspirational Source whoever or whatever you are.

I will be a very busy day tomorrow so I am keeping this short.  I figured the least I could do was give you an interesting quote to chew on.

"Deny the reality of things and you miss their reality;

Assert the emptiness of things and your miss their reality.

The more you talk and think about it,

The further you wander from the truth.

So cease attachment to talking and thinking,

And there is nothing you will not be able to know.

To return to the root is to find the essence,

but to pursue appearances or “enlightenment” is to miss the Source.

To awaken even for a moment is to go beyond appearances and emptiness."     

Seng-ts’an Third Patriarch of Zen

Love, Wash It All Away

Yikes it is minus 10 degrees out there and I am trying to get brave enough to go for a well bundled run. I hope it is warmer where you live.

The Midnights With The Mystic book is coming to an end and I have had a number of profound insights compliments of those pages.  I highly recommend this book if the wisdom of an enlightened teacher interests you.  I am also reading Ram Dass’s new book called Be Love Now, which is a journey back into the days Ram Dass had a wonderful teacher in India who he called Maharaj-ji.  This teacher was the inspiration for my favorite Ram Dass book, a cult classic called, Be Here Now.   This latest book is not only a retrospective but also shares the ongoing insights he continued to receive from sitting in the presence of pure, divine, unconditional love many years ago.  That divine love keeps teaching Ram Dass today even though Maharaj-ji died in September 1973.

The Daughters of Joy by Deepak Chopra, Be Love Now by Ram Dass, and Midnights With The Mystic by Sadhguru and Cheryl Simone all share the depth of human possibilities that call us to a life of expanded awareness and aliveness.  Each book is about higher forms of love that are possible in all of us.  This got me thinking that love keeps on showing up for me through the universe providing me with these books to read.  Maybe there is a deeper level of knowing about love that I have yet to discover.

Ram Dass has brought the focus of his life to this simple mantra: “I am loving awareness.”  I am going to try living in this space of being loving awareness and see where it will take me.  In my work with addicts, I get to help others explore awareness and  how to open to their potential to love again not only others but also themselves.  This is good work and being immersed in it and working on keeping an open heart is also great inner work for me.  I probably have learned to love more unconditionally through my clients than in any other part of my life.

Say to love, wash it all away,” is a sentence I wrote down recently from these readings and I keep feeling the expanding soothing quality of these words.  I am starting to realize more fully that love has the ability to take all my burdens and blocks away. 

Would you join me and be loving awareness and say to love, wash it all away?  Then you and I can be free to find the way to being our ultimate nature.

Love, please wash it all away.

Beyond Stuck And Familiar, There Are Endless Possibilities

 The weather has turned nasty here with a high of 3 degrees for today.  I prefer to workout outside but that may not happen because I could just be running along and freeze mid-stride and not make it back home.  Maybe the gym is my answer but running on a treadmill seems so wrong, lifeless and unnatural.  Life can feel too much like being on a treadmill and getting nowhere, as it is.  This stuck state is too familiar and I have come to the realization that this is not what life is about even though it may seem awfully real at times.  Being stuck happens because: you and I close down; we play it safe; we tell ourselves it is ok to take it easy; we settle for the deep groove of ego-driven familiarity; we lose hope; we can’t figure out what to do, or we just stop caring. 

Yet there is this desire, this urge to see what else is possible in us but we too often turn away from it.  We turn away because we sense the fear of the unknown lurking.  Our mind is a good companion in the game of avoidance we play.  Sure we could go for something totally predictable or take some big risks and not have any idea what the outcomes will be.  The easy way may not be so easy since it usually includes settling for less but it sure masquerades as tempting.

So if you were to choose the mystery, the unknown, the call to step into your courage and power could you actually be making a mistake? No!  You may fall down and scrape your knee but the joy of skipping out of the doldrums will be worth the dance with fear you may encounter.   The known is predictable but often lifeless.  Doing what you know is right for you is often far from predictable and just what you need. 

The story in your head, the drama of your life, the reverberations of past are all about what was and now have no basis in reality because much of you longs for something more than what is predictable.  You have the freedom today to create the life you want.  Yes it may take some time to get there.  That is the journey, which is fun in itself.  The outcome desired is the reward of taking risks and moving into action when it is needed. 

Your guide and courageous force is love, love beyond the sparks that fly with an attraction, this is the kind of love that weaves through the beauty of all things, that holds the universe together, and ultimately is your spirit.  Love gives you the bounce you need to move forward beyond the busy mind and the lusty ego in search of more stuff.   You with heart and mind aligned create an amazing life.

If you are ready open you heart, tune into where you need to go, recognize the challenges awaiting you and then leap into action.


Ego Remedies In An Ego Dominate World

As I write often the human ego is the greatest source of suffering on the planet.  All wars are started because of human ego.  All corporate greed is about human ego.  All abuse is about human ego.  All individual suffering is about the human ego.

The ego does not actually exist in physical form but is more a concept of the mind.  The ego is not bad but it can take us way off track.  The ego always wants to be in control because it is on a mission to protect us from the world around us.  The ego is not ever focused on the present because it spends every watchful moment covering our backside (the past) or leading the way into the future.  Fear is the dominant theme of the ego.  The more fear we feel the more the ego takes charge.

There are some things you can do to take back your life from ego’s domination.  The following are ego neutralizers and worth exploring and using.

Mindfulness – the multi-forms of this practice bring you into the now where the ego has no control and puts your higher nature in control.  There are classes on mindfulness in most communities.  Meditation is mindful practice that is really helpful.

Brain wave sound recordings – There are lots of brain wave recordings used to alter the ordinary state of your mind.  This technology is really interesting to explore if you are want in enhance brain function, higher consciousness, optimal states of mind and much more.

Developing impartiality – Impartiality is the ability to step back and to observe you free of your judging mind.  Judging is the activity of the ego.  Having a non-judging observer as part of your process opens you to quiet the ego and to choose to free yourself from the ego’s influence.

Awareness – To be aware means you know who you are and what is going on inside of you.  The activities of the ego are noticeable because you can sense the ego's negative and contracted ways.  Awareness brings you the opportunity to make choices instead of being run by the needs of the ego.

Tapping (EFT) – This meridian based emotional freedom technique is used to help you rewire your programming, conditioning and responses so that your thinking is present focused.  The ego would prefer to focus on what you could be afraid of and on what you can’t control.  Tapping brings you into what is possible now not what was.

Mantra/inner sound focus – There are inner sounds that we can tune into or borrow from great spiritual traditions.  If you take the time to listen inward you will hear a quiet vibrating tone within you that is linked to all being on the planet.  In addition to this inner sound there are many practices based on mantras that have been used for centuries to help people awaken to their ultimate nature.  Both the inner sounds and mantras bring you fully into the moment.

Affirmations – When the mind and emotions are going haywire because the ego is taking control of you, affirmations can create positive, nurturing and energetic vibrations.  “I Am” is simple but powerful affirmation of acceptance of self.  Self-acceptance negates the egos influence inside.

Love – The opposite of fear and the ego world is love.  If you find yourself with a dominating ego, one of the best antidotes is to lead your thoughts and heart towards what you love.  Genuine love always wins out over the attempted power grabs of the ego.  (caution: If the ego is seeking gratification it can do so in a false sense of love.) 

Out-of-body experiences – The practices of OBEs are interestingly humbling.  The more you tune in and see how much of you has nothing to do with ego, or approval, or control, or power the sooner you find freedom.  OBEs are a practice that only works in the now and in the now the ego is powerless.

Be present – The key towards being free of the ego’s dominating personality is to remain in the present moment.  The now is the kryptonite of the ego.  Being present can take place anywhere and any way including: exploring creative expression, singing a song, laughing with friends, enjoying a good meal, listening with compassion to a friend, walking in nature, being fully present while washing dishes, appreciating the beauty that is around you, reading an uplifting book, and an endless number of other activities of being. 

There is much more to explore and if you listen in you will find your own methods to put the ego in its place so that you are free to enjoy your life.

Books, Mystical Experiences, Sadhguru and Our Ultimate Nature

“Life as you know it is not a barrier.  If realizing your ultimate nature is the only priority of your life, everything you do will naturally orient itself towards that.  Your work, your relationships, your love, your money, your very life’s breath will orient itself toward your ultimate nature.  The experience of every little human thing you do becomes extremely fulfilling and joyful when it is done in the light of great purpose.”  Sadhguru

My reading takes me very interesting places and sometimes way beyond the story and my thoughts.  This quote is from a yogi, mystic and teacher named Sadhguru.  In the book Midnights With The Mystic, Sadhguru dialogues with one of his students named Cheryl Simone.  This book came to me by accident at the local used bookstore and what a wonderful accident it was. 

This morning I was tuning in and remembered a powerful experience I had years ago.  Through visualization I was able to recreate this expansive experience and move it forward into the present of this morning’s inner practice.  Here is the experience:

One day while meditating I realized I was in an altered state.  When I noticed this state I gently explored it so as to not let my mind chase myself out of it.  (The ego-mind always wants to push us away from in the moment mystical type experiences because the ego feels so out of control.)  I noticed who I was had extended beyond my body and it felt like the entire house expanded and contracted with my breath.  At that time a large crow landed outside my window and I noticed I could also enter into the crow and see the world from the bird’s perspective.  I enjoyed this state of expansion but soon my ego-mind took me out of this state probably questioning how could this be?

Well this morning I remembered that experience and I continued it except I entering a red tailed hawk who had recently come to sit outside my office.  Through visualization and soon an out of body experience, I flew upward riding the updrafts I often see the hawks use here in Boulder.  I went up and up until I came to this mystical place called Sacred Mountain.  There I met a Divine Mother who called herself Ma Ananda who shared insights with me and gave me her blessing. 

Before long I found myself back in my room and I picked up Midnights With The Mystic and I came upon the above quote.  I have long been a student of the human potential movement and higher consciousness and this quote seemed to bring a clarity of purpose that summarized my inner work the past 35 years.  I have clearly been living my life in the pursuit of my ultimate nature.  Today I even more fully commit to the purpose of realizing my ultimate nature.  

I will gladly share with you what I learn as I further explore and express my highest nature.  Please do the same with me.  I have been sharing my journey with you here at this blog for just about 4 years.  I have learned so much during this time and keep learning.  I anticipate the learning curve is taking a sharp turn upwards with my even greater clarity of purpose and I look forward to sharing with you my journey.

After reading the quote, I went back to my inner focus and Sadhguru’s image came clearly to mind and I said I would like to study the techniques he teaches.  He clearly said come to India and I will teach you so you can teach others.  My rational mind popped into the conversation and said I need a sign like the money to make the trip or a phone call from him or one of his people telling me how I can make this happen.  I am open to receive any and all guidance and/or funds I need to help me with the realization of my ultimate nature.  

May your journey be clear and purposeful each day.

More About Greed Winning And Time For A Change

Today is Friday and it is suppose to be 60 degrees and I would rather be playing than going to work.  Making a living working 40 hours a week gets really boring sometimes.  Why is there so much useless paperwork to satisfy funding when the funding is so poor?  This is where government and regulations get to be stifling.   I understand sometimes the frustration with government.  The positive thing is there are rules that are followed and these rules are formed to regulate government so it doesn’t go out of control.

Regulation is essential yet there are many who argue for less regulation in business even in the face of the disaster of the financial world over the past few years.  These people who argue against regulations probably profited from the losses.  Can you really imagine unchecked commerce looking out for what is good for the people and the planet?  Actually business will be looking out for what is good for the few.   Unregulated business means greed wins.  Unregulated business means the values go down the tubes and the very rich get richer.  That is the legacy of the Bush years and is unfortunately continuing in the Obama years. 

The clear fact is: our government is run by corporations, their money, and the influence they buy. 

Here are more facts that should make us all say this is enough and we are not going to put up with it anymore:  “In almost every statistical category, American workers are worse off than they were a decade ago, while the rich are getting richer. Foreclosures and health insurance premiums are through the roof.”

What will it take for things to change?  Do we have the courage and determination to win out over very powerful forces set on eliminating healthcare for all, set on privatizing or eliminating Medicare and Social Security?  Is the fight worth it?  Yes it is for two very important reasons:


  1. Most of us have worked all of our lives making mediocre wages and will need healthcare, Medicare and Social Security to survive.
  2. This is a fight worth fighting because it is about living by higher values and about compassion vs. greed.  

Let’s not kid ourselves because the writing is on the wall and the arrogance of those in power will try to rationalize the elimination of our safety net to balance the US budget when they are the ones that blew it up with their poor business practices and their thirst for more power in the name of war. 

As I have been saying for a while, the time for a revolution of compassion and consciousness is now.  These are the only two forces powerful enough to win against greed.  These peaceful but powerful forces come from the infinite human heart and the eternal human soul. 

Do We Really Need The Approval Of Others?

Why is the approval of others so important in our culture?  How come people put up with so much with the hope of being accepted by others?  Is this the work of the ego that always wants to be in charge?  Is it the conditioning we receive that makes us fear being ignored or left out?  Are the forces of social acceptance so powerful that we can ignore what we know is best for us?  Do we link being a good person with receiving the approval of others? Isn’t the whole fashion industry and advertising built on approval seeking?

When I was younger I did lots in the pursuit of approval.  I was a good kid.  I never got into trouble.  I did what I was told.  I was well behaved in school.  I went to church as I was told to do. I always tried to be a nice guy.  Is any of this familiar to you?

When I got older and began to question things, ideas, beliefs etc, I still hung on to doing what would get me positive strokes and acceptance.  Then along the way I became aware of this approval seeking aspect of myself and felt it was too strong a force in my life.  Once I shined the light of consciousness on this aspect of self, I was able to shrink its importance.  I did this simply by acknowledging this need for acceptance existed with in me and watching it without judging myself.  With impartial observation and self-acceptance the need for approval became much less important.   When I accept myself, I have much less need for the acceptance of others.

If we live for approval, our life can look like this: 

We say yes when we mean no and ignore what is right for us.

We live in denial of aspects of who we are because we know the living our truth may be judged by others

We compromise ourselves to the point of much self-judging

We put up with things because we don’t want to be seen as difficult or a trouble maker

We live lives that don’t work for us because we think we should

We worry about looking good in all we do

We make decisions about our life according to what others would want not because it is what we want

We avoid stepping into our power because we fear others will not be ok with who we are

We build resentments towards others because we never can live up to their expectations

Living for the approval of others is mostly a no-win situation.  Find our own way; living according to what is right for us; and have self-approval is the best way to find happiness.

Owning Your Power To Create

Let’s all settle down for a few minutes and take a real look around.  Everything we see is a creation of the universe including ourselves.  Is there any doubt that the universe has an unlimited potential for creation.  Everything is made up of the same basic units called particles.  All human creations and all creations of the universe are made up of the same building blocks, which came into physical reality by an organizing force something like thought.  We humans are very inventive and creative and all we have created began as thoughts. 

So who is the thinker of thoughts for the universe?  Are we separate from that organizing force which could be called the universal mind?  Do we have the same potential for creation as does the universal mind?  If there is this unlimited field of possibilities throughout the universe, isn’t that unlimited field of possibilities in us also?

Let’s you and I imagine that what is possible anywhere in the universe is possible within us.  Since that appears to be true, what matters most to you and what is holding you back from manifesting it in the world? 

The point of this speculation is that we all possibly settle for too little.  We take what we got and do the best with it.  We keep are hopes subdued.  We settle for less because we have self-doubts.  We take the easier way because the unknown scares us.  We stay with the familiar because it is easier.  We put our dreams aside telling ourselves to be rational.  We ignore our purpose because we prefer the control of what we think we know.  And this story of less instead of more goes on and on. 

Take out a piece of paper and write down 10 things you want to manifest in your lifetime.  Look at that list daily and start to imagine each one coming true.   Believe you are the creator of your own life with the same powerful capacities of the Universe.  Keep on believing in a relaxed and focused way and those 10 desires will show up in physical form in your life.

My Top 10 include:

  1. Totally freedom financially and to create each day
  2. Make a positive difference in the world by spreading consciousness and compassion everywhere I go as a way to bring peace to the world
  3. Travel to amazing, beautiful and sacred places on the planet
  4. Have a foundation in which I can give millions of dollars each year to those who also spread consciousness and compassion for a peaceful world
  5. Give generously to individuals and causes I want to support
  6. Encourage the creative expression of all human beings
  7. Spread the ideas of mindfulness and meditation to all so their light inside can shine in the world
  8. Help everyone realize the importance of our higher nature and listening to our intuition.
  9. Live each day in appreciation of the moment, appreciate the beauty of all of life, and be peaceful
  10. Have a wonderful home on the Pacific Coast near or in Santa Barbara

 What’s on your list?

Finding Our Perfect Balance

Finding our balance is important.  There are key aspects of balance and they include: mind, body, emotions, and energy.  Let's look at each of these aspects and see why they are important and what we can do to bring balance.

The mind is in general so out of balance as it whirls through endless activity of 50,000 plus thoughts per day.  These thoughts are frequently repetitive and familiar and made up of old ideas, beliefs, fears etc. and oftentimes negative and limiting.  When the mind is not managed it can be very disturbing and disabling.  The ego run mind is crazy making for most because all it cares about in power, looking good and being right.

The mind can be brought into balance through mindfulness, meditation, focused attention and other practices. With awareness our mind can settle, can slow down and can be trained to observe, question and investigate its own nature.  A quiet mind is peaceful and unlimited.

The body is intricate system that is always trying to keep itself in balance.  An out of balance body is prone to illness, injury and disease.  A stressed body is hyper-activated and can have a difficult time coming into balance.  A tired body needs rest so it can renew itself.  

The body can come into balance by getting the rest it needs, a healthy diet, the right amount of exercise, positive de-stressor activities and time to slow down and take it easy.  A relaxed and healthy fed body is full of aliveness and fueled up for action

The emotions we feel are products of our thinking.  Some kinds of thoughts make us feel off balance and out of sorts while other thoughts have us feeling happy and hopeful.  Our emotions can be like a roller coaster of ups and downs in which we can feel out of control.

Emotional well-being comes from respecting all emotions free of judgment and allowing them all to be as they are.  When we are mindful of our emotions we see they are constantly changing and there is no reason to try and control them.  By being fully present we shift our feelings to positive states like joy, peace and hope.

The energy we have is a direct response to our thoughts, our body and our feelings.  If our thoughts are enlivening, we feel uplifted and energized.  If our thoughts are negative and our feelings worrisome we can be depleted of the energy needed.  Low energy is an indication that we have lost our way.

If we direct our thoughts we can expand our energy.  If we feel and appreciate our emotions we expand our energy.  If we take good care of our body we feel lots of energy.  If we balance all aspects of us we feel enlivened.  Energy is a sign that we are in harmony with who we are, with are living with meaning and purpose and we have a relationship with our higher nature.

Two other areas to balance in life are our relationships and our exploration of our higher nature.  If we lose ourselves in our relationships we can easily get way out of balance.  A healthy relationship means time to relate and time to self.

In the exploration of our higher nature there is an interesting happening, usually there is more balance the more we tune into the inner wisdom/intuition.  This enhanced balance is because we are guided from within towards finding what is right for us.  Knowing our Higher Self does wonders for us at so many levels.  

A Simple Formula For Self-Exploration And Insight

There is great wisdom in you if you take the time to tune in.  That knowing is easily available by noticing what is going in you in response to the events of the moment.  Tara Brach a well-known meditation teacher and psychotherapist (another excellent free interview/podcast over at Sounds True, Insights At The Edge see ad) defines four steps she uses working with people who seek a deeper understand of themselves.  The four steps are contained in the word RAIN (Recognize, Allow, Investigate and Not You).

As I listened to Tara I got excited because she put into a simple format a way I could guide my clients.  Addicts so often are very disconnected from their bodies, thoughts, and emotions and this practice moves people into awareness.   This awareness exploration would be helpful to you my reader also if you do so with a spacious heart.  Here is how I see you using her ideas:

Recognize - When you experience something going on inside see if you can get in touch with what it is.  Recognizing what is going in inside brings you to a higher level of self-awareness.  Do this with kindness and compassion for self.  In identifying your thoughts, your emotions and your sensations, you see what inner forces are influence your outer life.

Allow – Absolutely everything that comes up in you; that gets stirred by the happenings of life is ok, do your very best to not judge but instead allow.  When you allow what is to be, you bring acceptance to yourself.  This acceptance is a healthy way for you to build your self-esteem and confidence.  Allowing is a gentle acknowledgement and acceptance of your inner process.

Investigate – What comes up in you is worth exploring.  In that investigation you will expand what you know about yourself, your triggers, your reactions, and other opportunities for awareness. If you take the investigation deeper you might even come face-to-face with core issues, old beliefs, blocks that have been holding you back and other aspects that need to be left behind.  Sometimes in that investigation healing happens and you figure how to move on from parts of you that was getting in your way. 

Not You or Non-Self – The other part of this investigation is that if you do it thoroughly enough, you will see that what is happening in you is not you.  Most of the chaos of your life is about the thoughts you have and the emotions these thoughts generate.   When you recognize what is going on, allow it to be, and investigate it, you naturally step back from the drama and observe it rather than be caught up in it.  This is personal freedom in the moment.

It is so easy to get caught up in the parade of your thoughts and the roller coaster of your mind.  Next time let it RAIN and you will invite a new level of consciousness into your life.

Football Players And Those Who Claim to Know God’s Will

It is a big football weekend if you are a fan of the Super Bowl.  The two team to play in this mega event will be determined on Sunday.  The college championship was recently decided and Cam Newton of Auburn thanked God for the win.  After an NFL game last weekend one of the players again thanked God for the win.  This got me thinking about why would athletes and others think God was on their side.  Is this some kind of mass hypnosis that happens with people who attend church?  The idea that whoever God is would take sides in a football game or other athletic events is absurd and even arrogant.  Come on people isn’t it time to examine your own thoughts and be aware of what kind of nonsense this kind of thinking is?   

People also thank God for all kinds of other things that make little of no sense.  I hear people say they have given their life to God and whatever happens its basically on God.  This seems like a way to not take full responsibility for their life and to also avoid looking at what part they had to play in how things worked out or not.  Taking responsibility is part of being a mature human being and giving this up to some idea of who they think God is lacks clarity at the least. 

The life we live is about us, our intentions, our purpose, our awareness, our thoughts, our heart, our compassion, our unique expression, our wisdom and also about our spiritual nature.  If we so call, “give it all to God,” then where is it that we have free will and take responsibility for the way we shape our life?

It seems to me that all religious beliefs are to be questioned because all religions and all so-called sacred texts are creation of human beings not of God.  Yes many have claimed inspiration from God but their claims needs to be questioned.  In my work as a Mental Health professional, I have heard many say that God was working through them and they got better when they got the right medications. 

The whole basis of many religions is dependent on blind faith and frankly no one should have blind faith if they can see, feel and think.  Isn’t it time we tell those who claim to know God’s will to keep it to themselves? 

Our spiritual nature is about our inner experience not about what others tell us it should be.  This inner journey towards compassion and consciousness is what gives life real meaning not the ramblings of others who tell us what to think and believe.  

We have all been given an amazing mind, a heart with an endless capacity to love, and a spirit that is infinite. Why would we settle for the limited view of those who clearly are lost in the thoughts and beliefs of their own mind?

An Avenue Of Insight Worth Exploring

Lately I have had some interesting insights that I wanted to share with you.  At Insights At The Edge (find more info at Sounds True, see ad here at blog) recently I was listening to one of my favorite writer being interviewed.  Dan Millman has written several really interesting novels and self-help books including, The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior.  He mentioned a system he uses to help people gain insight into who they are and I went and found his book.  Dan’s system using birth date is something I was skeptical of but after reading his ideas I now have information about myself that I am exploring and gaining new awareness.

In this numerological system he has put together, I am a person who has to learn to deal with power and abundance.  As I read through what he had to say I began to examine my view of myself and the familiar issues of my life.  What I saw has shaken me in a positive way. 

Power provokes a mixed bag of reaction within me.  When I think of power, I think of ego’s gone wild.  My posts regularly question the destructive ways of people hungry for more power.  On the other side of power hunger is power denial.  I work almost every day trying to help people claim their own power.  I see now that my passion to help other find their power is because I have for so long been in denial of my own.  As they say, “We teach what we need to learn.” 

It has taken me over 30 years to step more progressively into the power I have to help others.  This power is in all of us and because of my exploration of consciousness and compassion I have access to it.  I am a very good therapist according to all the people around me.  Yet I still feel that I can be better and focus on that rather then on stepping fully into the power of who I have become through my lifelong search into human nature.   I see myself as humble and caring human being helping others. This view of self is accurate but may also be in denial of my power because I judge being powerful in some negative way.  (Most of us limit ourselves by our limiting thoughts and beliefs.)

What will it take for me to fully step into being a powerful person in the world?  As a reminder to myself: I can be powerful in helping others find their own power; I can be powerful as an agent for positive change both individually and systemically; I can awaken and spread my awakening by being powerful and compassionate in the world.  This is all a deeper and more empowered way for me to view myself.   More on this as my exploration continues.

Then there is money in my life, which has usually been enough to get by on but rarely more.  Abundance is not how I would describe my financial situation but I feel an opening is being created and a rich flow is on the way if I allow it to be.  As I write this I want to push the blocks to abundance out of the way and say. “Ok already.”  More insight and abundance is on the way here.

It is ok for me to have power and abundance and it is ok for you to also.  If you are a social activist be sure and read my previous post and enjoy your weekend.  

We The People Want Healthcare And Much More

The US House of Representatives voted yesterday to appeal the Health Care reform bill.  The Senate most likely won’t go along.  Is Congress representing the needs of the people of this country or the money interests of those who profit from denying claims? The answer to me is crystal clear - they represent the forces of greed and totally lack compassion.  The GOP claims this is a budget issue.  They do not mind spending billions for War that we shouldn’t be in and spending billions more to bail out the financial sector but to spend money on the needs of the people is bad for the budget.  I think the saying about "Bailing out Wall Street and screwing Main Street" is a guiding principle of many of our elected representatives in Washington DC who are own by corporate interests. 

Don't all the people in Congress get incredible health care paid for them by the federal government?  According to their political rhetoric that would make Congress a socialistic organization.  The socialistic misinformation is pure scare tactic, which only works if people are not paying attention to the truth.  They must think we the people are ignorant masses willing to put up with their double talk and heartless ways.  Are we?

  • Maybe it is time for a revolution of compassion, a revolution based on higher consciousness rather than the rationalizing ego-mind of those who care only about power?
  • Have you had enough yet of greed running our national agenda? 
  • Are you feed up enough to let our elected officials know that we matter more than profit margins? 
  • Isn't it time we let those in Washington DC know that the people are the power of this government not them and their misguided agendas? 
  • How long do we let their false misinformation of fear driven rationalization be used to manipulate us?  

We are much stronger and wiser then that and most of us know we cannot afford to let this nonsense continue and we know we deserve better:

We the people care about each other and our planet

We the people are smart enough to see the falsehood of those that seek only more power

We the people deserve quality health care

We the people have the right to honest politicians not owned by anyone

We the people have compassion for the suffering of others

We the people have had enough of the bickering in Washington DC

We the people are capable of rational thought beyond narrow belief systems

We the people are tired of the record profits for corporations while we all struggle to make it.

We the people understand what is going on and we are not going to stand for it any more

We the people are tired of our leaders going to war against the wishes of the majority of us

We the people are not fooled by the rescue of banks and the taking of our homes

We the people are losing faith in our elected officials who seem to not care about our needs

We the people are open to a greater vision for this nation and together we can find hope

We the people are not sheep willing to be led by the nonsense of small mindedness

We the people recognize the bogus agendas that are used to deflect us from what is important

We the people are wise enough to see that government has problems that we can fix

We the people know that when we come together for the common good we can find solutions

We the people believe in our nation to be innovative and motivated to succeed even in the most challenging of times

We the people do not fear change, we welcome it because we know it is necessary

We the people have open minds and are willing to try new ideas

We the people know unchecked capitalism doesn’t work because greed has no heart

We the people are accepting of people of all beliefs and points of view because we are wise enough to know we can learn from everyone

We the people are conscious enough to know that we are all brothers and sisters who share this beautiful planet together. 

We the people believe in love, happiness and peace because we know what we are capable of being

What would you add to this declaration of need for real and positive changes?

Happiness Is The Goal

The most rewarding goal for a life well lived is happiness.  Happiness means you feel good about yourself and your life; so good that it actually makes you feel warm inside and uplifted.  Happiness is the ultimate feedback that your life is on the right track.  When you feel happy you know you are being who you are and doing what you know is right. 

Happiness begins inside and spreads out into your experiences.  If you feel contentment with yourself, have compassion for all of who you are, are accepting and non-judging of the unique person you have become, and live with purpose, then you can be happy person.

Happy people create a happy life.  Happiness is something you can create as simply as changing your thoughts and opening your heart.  If you want to be happy, you can choose to be.   

So what are you to do if you find happiness an infrequent visitor in your life?  There are some simple techniques that can help you do some internal readjustments if happiness is what you want:

One is to become mindful of what is going on inside you mind.  Make sure your self-talk and thinking are allies to happiness and not downers like blaming, complaining and demands of your ego.  A mind set of being positive and happy most often reaches its goals.

If you find yourself: churned up inside, unsettled, restless, feeling uneasy or ready for a change, then happiness may be just a few insights away from reality.  This exercise will help change the discomforts into brighter and more fun moments. 

When you find yourself being uncomfortable with your inner landscape it works well to identify what part of you is not doing so well.  Then you ask that part of you what is it you want?  Example – your stomach is talking to you about what is going on, you then ask it what does your stomach want to communicate to you?  If you listen the stomach will let you know. 

The next step is to take that feedback and ask it what it needs?  The need response from the stomach may be I need you to watch what you eat especially when you know it makes you not feel well. 

The final step is to ask what action needs to be taken.  The action your stomach requests could be that you commit to eating better and healthier. 

So unblocking blocks to happiness could be as simple as understanding your wants, fulfilling your needs and taking the necessary action to make this all work out.

Remember ultimately happiness is a choice you make moment to moment throughout you day.  Isn’t time you choose happiness and get the fun benefits of life you enjoy?

Expanding Into Life

As I get older the temptation is to be more cautious, do what is familiar, go where I know, coast along even when more vigorous action is called for and in general be more passive about doing things. This is a natural progression if you are playing it safe and your body is feeling older. 

I feel these tendencies in a number of aspects of my life.  For example my running is less push and more cruise; my weekends are less doing and more relaxing.  These are ok tendencies but this sometimes means settling for less or missing out on adventures out there waiting for me.  As I write this I think I want more adventure and less caution.

I want to choose to be more expansive and less contracted.  This means deciding which paths to follow and grow and which ones are playing it too safe?  What I am drawn to are inner explorations that interest me.  These practices include: OBE’s (out-of-body experiences), walking meditations in nature, healing techniques, energetic practices and much more.  Creative expressions including my writing and my art are also strong callings.  Purposeful self-directed work is also very satisfying.  I love to feel alive and energized so I know that means both being and doing.  Being and doing are being fully present to my inner life and also taking action where it is needed.

Life feels so much more alive when I stretch myself; when I go into my investigation and exploration mode.  There is an infinite number of possibilities out their waiting to be explored and I want to get as much out of this life as I can.  There is always more to see, do, and experience.

Working for an organization feels restrictive and freedom is much more appealing but steady income is also good.  The challenge is to balance my needs for freedom and my needs for income.  With 40 hours a week limiting my options I make the best out of it by satisfying my need to be engaged in purposeful work that helps inspire the best in the clients I work with.  Even with my purpose satisfied, I find myself wanting more meaningful activities so I write and do my practices with happiness as my measure of success.

The intention is to be alive in all that I do, to get all I can out of my day, to expand into new and wonderful adventures, and to have lots of fun along the way.  This is healing energy for my body when I feel my age.  I may be slower and have less altitude in my flights but my mind can still reach the sky. 

Where have you contracted and where do you feel the need to expand?  Are you ready to go for more?  If you take the chance to expand more into the way you live, the energy and inspiration will take you to a nice place called happiness.

Fear Is Not The Truth

If you watch the nightly news, listen to talk radio, watch the goings on in our government, or spend much time paying attention the endless ramblings of the ego-mind then you know that fear is a powerful theme.  The doomsayers and opinionaters spend all their time drumming up topics of fear.  The news is focused on murder, disaster and many other fear provoking stories.  Our politics is based on keeping the people afraid.  Corporate power is about keeping their employees fearful enough to be controlled.  Religion also uses the fear of eternal damnation, sin, and judgment as tools to control the masses.  The defense budget only exists if there is fear.  The ego always stirs up fear in the name or protection but really to keep you and I out of the present where the ego has no power over us.

Fear is a contracted state in which we close down to possibilities out of the false idea of the need for protection.  Fear is always created by our thoughts and these thoughts are not real but instead imagined.  Fear takes away our courage and depletes our energy to make changes in our lives.  Innately we humans are not fearful but be are trained to be throughout life.

Fear is the opposite of love and hope.  Love and hope are actually true and possible in the moment but fear in today’s society often pushes them aside.  This makes for a situation of where the people are run over by the fear machine.  If fear is running the show there is no limit to what the ego-mind can rationalize therefore you get all the mess we have today.

The antidote for fear is to have an open heart and be in the flow of love, to live in the present, to be mindful of past or future thoughts that provoke fear, and to turn off the influences of fear.  Yes there are things and situations to be aware of to be safe but those are about being a conscious human being. 

So instead of fear today, try these positive states of mind:

When fear comes up, focus on what you love

When you worry, focus instead on actions you can take

When you want control, remember the only control is in our thoughts

When anxious, turn to following the breath and relax

When charged with negative emotions, find a way to let them go through exercise or different thoughts

When disappointed, find reasons to appreciate what is

When lonely, go out into the world and be open to inspiration

When sad, find the joys of fully being present

When lacking courage, step into the fear and do it anyway

When stuck, find something you can have fun doing

When lacking direction, go in search of your unique purpose

When overwhelmed, sit in silence and build a relationship with your spirit

 Have a fearless week.

Part Three of The ABC’s Of A Better Life

Yesterday I went to University of Colorado Basketball game and it was so much fun.  The Coors Center was packed and it was so noisy that it made my ears ring.  What a highly charged atmosphere it was.  The Buffaloes came back from 12 down and I thought the roof was going to be blown of the place because of the excited energy.  I went to explore the collective energy and now I can imagine this when I need to upload a big charge of go power.

This part of the alphabet gets a little more challenging but there is still plenty to be inspired by so here it goes:

Q is about being quiet about questioning and about doing our lives with quality.  If you take the time to be quiet, you will be amazed by all that is presented to you from inside.  If you question your thoughts, beliefs, and the ideas of others you will be able to find your own truth.  Do what you do with quality in mind and then you will always be ok with what you do.

R is about being radiantly realized, in a real and relaxed way.  You have the capacity to be radiant if you are real, genuine as a person.  Realized means that you went after life and sought to full express yourself, your talents, and your potential.  Lastly it all comes together so much easier if you relax.

S is for the star that you are, the strength within you and the success that wants to flow from you.  You are a star if you do you as fully as you can.  You have great strength mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritual if you choose to access it.  Success is the outcome of you doing what you are here to do.

T is about finding your truth, about transforming the lead in you into gold and about transcending what seems to be real.  Your truth is your truth and no one but you can know what your truth is.  Then you must live this truth.   As life progressed you can fine-tune your way towards the best that is possible in you.  Transcending means not getting caught up in the dramas/stories of your life but instead rising above them and being so much more.

U is about being unstoppable and ultimately more than your history and your conditioning.  There is in you an ultimate force that is unstoppable.  Find that force and live into it with your uniqueness and it will all work out ultra well.

V is about the vital force within you, the vigorousness of being fully alive and about an expanding viewpoint of yourself and the world.  The vital forces of heart, mind and spirit connect you to the infinite.  Living with vigor means charging into what you decided to do with clear intention and ceaseless effort.   An open mind has an ever-expanding viewpoint of what is possible

W is for wise, whole and wonderful.  There is within you such wisdom if you open to the guidance of our Higher Self.  Your higher nature can guide you to a wonderful life in which you wisely realize your wholeness of mind, body, emotions and spirit.  To be whole and wise fills you with what is wonderful. 

X is for the “xtra, xtra, xtra, read all about it” headlines on the story of your life.  When you come to the end of the journey, you find that your story was about xcellence in loving and compassionate actions and in making the world a better place by fully being who you are. 

Y is about you, yet to be realized and yippee.  You can be full of yippee is you take the time to explore and express that in you which is yet to be realized.  Yippee about your heart, yippee about you mind’s capacities, yippee about your health, yippee about your infinite spirit waiting to be further expressed.

Z is living with zip, zest and zeal.  If you are open to your inner guidance you will put lots of zip, zest and zeal into your life.  This zip is about feeling alive; this zest is the excitement of living in the moment, and this zeal is about the passionate path of purpose.

Lots of zip, zest and zeal to you this day and every day!

Part Two – The ABC’s Of A Better Life

Today I bring you Part Two of my three part series on a better life.  I hope you found yesterday's part one full of uplifting ideas. 

I is about intuition, integrity, and invention. Paying attention to your intuition may be the most important of all my points today.  Living in integrity with your values and doing what you know is right for you greatly enrich your life.  There is unlimited potential for invention in you.  You actually invent your life moment by moment.

J is about the journey toward joy.  Joy is feedback that you are doing what is right for you on the journey of life.  The journey is about being full present to the joys along the way.  Some of the best times are ones in which you want to jump for joy.

K is about kindness and knowing.  Kindness is an expression from the heart that makes both the receiver and the giver feel better.  Knowing is wisdom that goes beyond the ordinary mind.  Knowing too is about the heart, about the intuition, and about your higher consciousness. 

L is about love, light and listening.  Love is the most powerful force on the planet and it resides in infinite supply within you.  Love is a magnificent light.  Light also is symbolic of the Divine and becoming enlightened.  The best gift for someone you love is to listen with compassion.

M is for mind, miracle and motivated.  The mind is a fabulous tool for manifesting the life you desire.  This mind however must be managed and motivated by your higher knowing.  When the mind is working at optimal levels you can miraculously create whatever you get clear about.

N brings us to new, now and nutritious.  In the now is where all the action is.  In the now you innovate a new you.  In the now you can redo the past and create the future.  There is so much you can do to enhance you health through the proper nutrition.  Eat right and you can be renewed and feel better.

O is for outstanding, organized and organic.  If you get organized you can go organic and be an outstanding contributor to the well being of the planet and all us beings who live here.  If you bring organization to what you do, your results will be outstanding.  In this moment your organic being free of the baggage of personal history is open to infinite possibilities.

P is for positive, prosperity, passion and purpose.  If you are positive and passionate about your purpose, you will enjoy great success and prosperity.  Your purpose is unique to you and when you add a big dose of passion you feel positive about what you are doing and the abundance flows.  A positive mind makes you feel better.

This four part series became a three part series with some better mathematics.  Hope your weekend rocks.

The ABC’s Of A Better Life

In alignment with my theme of 2011 being a year of Positive Changes I wanted to put together the ABC’s of a better you, a better life, and a better world.  This will be a 4 part series and I hope you find it inspirational and motivating.  With 11.5 months left in this year, it seems time to turn up the focus and clarify the intentions. 

Here is part one of the ABC’s of A Better Life:

A is all about being more fully alive, with lots of action and a great flow of abundance.  To be more alive you must move in the direction that energizes you, that makes you want to take action.  Action creates flow and abundance.  Also aligning with the Abundant Source of the Universe will create positive results.

B is being brilliant and bold.  The time for you express yourself with boldness and brilliance has arrived.  Being a bright light unto the world is your calling.  The form your brilliance takes will be unique to you.  Whatever you do, do it boldly and life will always seem worth living.

C is doing life consciously, creatively, compassionately and aware of your connections to each other.  Make it a primary goal to be a more conscious and compassionate human being.  An open heart and a wise mind will take you towards your highest expression.  Creativity is the dynamic expression of you in touch with both your innate genius and your connection to all other sentient beings.  Higher consciousness and more compassionate will save humanity.

D is the decision to be dedicated with the adventure of discovery.  There is always much for you to learn and when you decide to become a dedicated student of life there will be much for you to discover.  The dynamic world is always itching for you to explore what resides in you as possible.

E is about conscious evolving, about having the energy to make a difference and about settle for nothing less than extraordinary.  Yes in you is the energy of extraordinary.  To move from ordinary to extraordinary will take a true evolution of you mind, your body and your soul.  This is easier than you might have thought.

F is fantastic, fit and free.  Personal freedom is one of the greatest urges within you.  If you are free it feels fantastic because then you shape you without the limitations of expectation.  Fit of body, emotions, mind and spirit is the ideal and also essential.

G is your greatness, your ground in reality and the grace that is always pouring into you.  This call to be great within you is about opening to the grace of the moment where the universe is lining up in anticipation of helping you.  The ground of reality is the foundation to build upon as greatness calls you.  Goodness is also important to open to in your daily living.

H is for humor, which is essential, humbleness, which is critical, health, which is ideal and an open heart, which is a must if you plan to leave this life making a positive difference.  In the humor comes lightness, in the humbleness comes receptivity, in health comes the necessary energy and with an open heart comes compassion, caring and kindness.

Share if you are willing what would you add to the first 8 ABC’s.  Together I am confident you and I can come up with an unlimited amount of possibilities.

Life Is A Perfect Mirror

The Daughters of Joy is a novel by Deepak Chopra.  It probably wouldn’t surprise you to find out that his writings even in his novels are full of enlightening ideas.  This book is an interesting story, thought provoking, and heart expanding.  You can most likely find the book in a library or used bookstore.  If you enjoy reading a good story and expanding your consciousness at the same time then you will find this an excellent book to read.

This is one of the many lines in the book that stood out for me, “Maybe something in me creates the situation.  Maybe the outer is only mirroring what I am inside.”  This is an inner question that when explored invites you to take full responsibility for your life.  With this kind of contemplative exploration comes a new level of consciousness.  Is all you encounter in life really about you? If this is true then maybe you can make inner changes that results in changes in your outer world.

So if things are stuck, if the energy in you is less than fully alive, if you keep on running into the same kinds of frustrating experiences then just maybe this is about you.  Then as you go inward things begin to change because the energy of seeking awareness usually opens a doorway to greater insight.

One of the lessons in this book is that love is a powerful energizer.  This is love in all manifestations, from passionate to love for the Divine.  Wherever love grows so does the energy for living.  Energetic blocks that limit love include: fear, doubts, anger, and judgments.  Getting past these ego manifested emotions is important work that is best done by being mindful, open and fully present.

Life is a perfect mirror.  If you alter in the slightest, your outer reality will change simultaneously.”  These are additional lines from this book and they sit in agreement with the quote earlier. This invitation to change is very hopeful.  As you experiment with moving your energy, you will see things happening in your world that will get you even more excited about the infinite possibilities in you waiting to be realized.

By the way if you are open to guidance, the books that are right for you will appear in an effortless way.