What Is Your Sistine Chapel Waiting To Be Created?

It is late and I am sitting down to write a first draft of tomorrow’s post.  I just watched the new Sherlock Holmes Series on PBS Masterpiece Theatre, which takes place in modern times in England and it’s fun to watch, full of mystery as it was in the past.  TV is not something I spend much time with but this kind of programming is worth enjoying. 

My three days off have been renewing with a long meditative runs and walks inspired by the author of Chi Running and Chi Walking, Danny Dreyer over at Sounds True.  Check out his interview on their free podcast series called Insights At The Edge (see ad to the right).   There seems to be so much to explore lately that I can’t keep up and when I actually take time to practice what I am learning it really makes a difference.

My intention was also to do so drawing this weekend because it seems to me that drawing balances the hemispheres of the brain or something equally calming.  Maybe it is just being fully present to the activity that is powerful but I suspect the drawing itself is also a significant activity.  Have you ever been to the Sistine Chapel and seen the magnificent work of Michelangelo? It will make you jaw drop for a very long time.  If you read any accounts of this work you will quickly understand that he had to be in some kind of altered state to accomplish what he did mostly painting on his back for sometimes over 20 hours a day.  This is not a way to relax but is obviously a way to explore one’s potential and one’s ability to overcome what for many would be an impossible physical task why creating amazing beauty.  Irving Stone wrote a book about Michelangelo, The Agony and the Ecstasy, it is well worth your time to read it and be inspired by his passion.

What Sistine Chapel in you is waiting to be created?  How has fear stopped you from taking on the work of your life?  Does the masterpiece of our lives take great suffering?  Not necessarily but it won’t be easy, their will be barriers along the way, and it will take pushing yourself beyond the tidy comfort zone of what you define as reasonable.  Oh yes, it will be worth it! Have brilliant week and welcome to November.

A Day Mostly Without Words

Yesterday was a day mostly without words.  I went for a long hike and played golf all afternoon and had a quiet dinner with my wife.  My mind had become very noisy and I knew it would benefit from the healing energy of four of my favorite activities: being in nature, walking mindfully, silence and having fun. 

What works for you when you need a time out, when your mind is running on over load? 

Let me say few words about why each of these activities is so powerful in healing at a number of levels:

Boulder Colorado is a beautiful place because nature is all around us including high plains, sharp rock faces, mountains, stream, forests and trails everywhere for walking, running and biking.  All I have to do is go out my door and in a matter of minutes I an in nature.  I am so blessed.  Being in nature especially surrounded by trees and away from the hustle and bustle of life feels so nice.  I naturally slow down in nature.  I feel the nurturing qualities of nature as I walk or sit in a place where the beauty and energy of the natural world envelops me.  

Next time you feel overwhelmed, do yourself a favor and go for a walk or sit in a park and be healed by the beauty and energy of nature.

Walking mindfully for me means that I am aware of myself as I walk.  This awareness includes feeling my feet touch the ground, inviting my breath to deepen, and pay attention to what is going on inside including guidance from my intuition or higher nature.  This type of walking is not about getting somewhere but about the journey step-by-step and about being fully present.  Again like being in nature, I naturally slow down when I walk mindfully.  This slowing down is about breaking the pattern of hurry and go-go-go.  As I practice walking mindfully I can also open to be aware of the beauty around me.  Mindful walking can be done anywhere including a shopping mall even in the midst of so much distraction but outdoors is so much better. 

Take 10-20 minutes this weekend to just walk quietly and see how it feels inside.

The world you and I live in is full of words, ideas, beliefs and thoughts and if I don’t take time for silence or to quiet down then the noise can be overwhelming.  My work is noisy with people, the noise of their own thoughts, and my mind working to help them.  I listen (CD’s, podcasts, books on cd’s) and read a lot since I figure there is always more I can learn to be better at what I do.  Some days the words and noise are way too much.  Silence is calming, soothing and renewing.  I am very grateful for the moments and minutes I get to spend in quiet silence or contemplation. 

Are you ok with silence and spending time within? If so, do so every day; if not, begin by turning off the TV, mp3 players, radio, CD’s and get to know yourself through quiet times.

Fun is my favorite way to go through life.  We are here to be happy and to have fun, no matter what anyone else says, this I am sure is true.  As a mental health professional I see so many people who are not having fun but seeking it in all the wrong places.  Getting high or being addicted is not really fun ask anyone who has to have more to feel just ok.  Fun and happiness come from inside and spread outward not from things or what I am doing.  Let me state that in another way:  I have fun no matter what I do if I am in a positive space to enjoy.  Fun and happiness can only happen in the now and in truth naturally occur from me being present to what I am doing. 

What makes you happy, what is fun for you?  Are you willing to be present to having at least some fun every day?    

Don’t Forget To Vote And Enjoy Life

Yesterday I voted by mail and it felt good to be part of democracy.  This I believe is the 21st time in my life I have voted in 11 presidential elections.  In my first presidential election I voted for Hubert Humphrey.   The elections in the non-presidential years are also very important and I encourage you to be sure and vote this year.  Our nation needs as many thoughtful voters as possible, this is not the time to vote in protest because leadership is needed even if it isn’t exactly who you want. 

There is a newsletter I receive by email every day that offers great courses reasonable priced on topics of personal development called DailyOm.com.  I am doing the Money Magnet course, which is very energizing and I look forward to sharing with you how great the 30 day program works.

Last night I took a break from all I do to enjoy my favorite distractions this time of year, watching the Portland Trail Blazers.  Since their was an NBA team in Portland, I have been a fan and even though on a bigger picture sports doesn’t matter that much, it is sure fun to watch them play and winning is even better.  They are undefeated so far at 2 and 0.

I am all over the place in my post today.  I am taking a long weekend coming up and I am looking forward to taking some time to just walk in nature, play and enjoy life.  After I wrote this I took a nice walk late into the night and it was very nurturing to relax and deepen my breath and to take in the cool and refreshing air.  As I have written often just being in nature is so healing. 

I hope you have a great day today and if you get a chance do some things you enjoy and that are nurturing for you.


Putting Your Attention To Work

There has been more of an edge for me lately because I sense things are changing in a positive direction and sometimes I loose touch with the present.  I have been looking to see what might happen in the future and thereby pull myself out of the now.  Positive anticipation and hopefulness are two healthy mental states but can distract me from being present.  I am noticing these future focused tendencies lately and acknowledge them and now see what will help me be more mindful.

The journey of a human being is so complex and yet so simple.  The complexities are because you and I have so much going on in our heads and emotionally.  What is simple is that none of our complexity needs to run us unless we don’t pay attention. 

Here is are some attention reminders you might find helpful:

Each day start by setting your intention – intentions are powerful and will shape your life, so set your mind and put it on paper the results you want to create.  Ex. Today I will be present to my emotions throughout the day, acknowledging and appreciating all I feel.

Focus your attention on what you want to happen – where you put you attention will shape what you experience, so if you put your attention on keeping your thoughts positive, you will have a positive experience of your day.

Affirmations - Affirmations are messages to self that encourage a positive frame of mind – affirmations build a positive mental and emotional charge within that supports what you want to experience.  Ex. Today I am filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.

AM or PM practice – this is a practice or activity that is enriching for mind, body, emotions, and/or spirit.  You can find a class or DVD on many practices that would be very enriching for your life including tai chi, yoga, martial arts, relaxation, mindfulness, art (painting, song writing, sculpture, writing, design etc), fitness, meditation, emotional well-being, nature appreciation, focusing techniques, personal development classes and many others.

Midday reminders  - simple quick tune-ins, briefs encounters with self that get you back on track.  Tuning into the breath (following the inhale and exhale is the simplest reminder and nothing other than awareness is needed.   Grounding exercises are also very helpful as are short walks and stretching.

Give these attention expanders time to develop and soon your mind will always be present and there you find much happiness and peace.

The Energy Of Aliveness Is Calling Today

The wind has been blowing hard all night and as I ready for my run it is still blowing very hard.  I feel like the wind so it will be good to travel with it.  Like the wind I have places to go and things to explore.   I am restless with the politics that jam around in my head.  I hunger for more ideas that will work with people who are stuck.  I grow weary of trying to be a better person.  I bore myself sometimes by being too tame.  I don't want to listen anymore to the mindless comments of heartless fools.

If you could only hear the noise in my mind that cries out for what is real, that tires over the boredom of things as they should be, that cringes at the ignorance of hate and anger driven thought, that is easily tired by the fearful because they victimize themselves.  Yes my mind is noisy and rambunctious. I really set my intention not to be judgemental but my mind generates emotions in responses to what is just plain old ideas that never work, bad history, unconscious ramblings, and the ignorance of numbed hearts. 

At the same time I have come to appreciate that life is so rich and there is so much in me and all of us that is yet unrealized.  Today I am restless and I suspect so are you.  I have to go for more than the mundane, more than the status quo, more than my programming to play it safe. 

How about you, where are you playing it safe? Are you bored with the limiting repetition of your own mind?  Where are you allowing yourself to stay too long?  Where do you want to head to next?  Where are you called to stir things up?

Let me suggest a few ideas here to stir up the bee’s nest of the mind so the buzz vacates:

Stop what you are doing during the day even for a few minutes and become aware of all your senses can take in, smell the smells, see the sights, hear the music of life, feel the flow of energy, taste the wonder of flavors and just enjoy.

Take a slow relaxed breath in for 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 then 1 as the breath pauses and then on the breath our 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 then 1 on the next pause.  Do this breath for 10 cycles.  This slow watchful breath will alter your state in nurturing and calming ways.

Take a walk outside, even in the middle of a busy city, and notice what parts of nature are visible and make visual and tactile contact and appreciate the beauty of the natural world.  If nature is not available at least appreciate the beauty of human creation or the wonder of a real smile.

As the day winds have a practice like mindful walking or relaxed movements like Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Yoga and slow the mind, body, and emotions to a place where peace is possible.  The energy of quiet moment can be deeply soothing and encourage restful sleep.

Today is another day back at it and I feel ready to enjoy what is present in the moment.   I also understand that all the dissatisfaction comes from wanting to be other than the now.    

Late To Avatar – A Call To Wake up

Over the weekend I finally saw Avatar and I must say, as all of you have seen it would most likely agree, it seemed like a familiar story in our recent history.  Going after precious metal (oil) and having the military do what they do well, act aggressively and kill people who get in their way.  This is the story of corporate interests enforced by the military attacking people out of greed.  Yes I know this is just a story but it is an old, sad and destructive story that we need to all agree to change. 

Oh by the way, I hear there is a very precious metal in Northern Afghanistan that is used in cell phones.  That would make sense that we are there out of corporate interests because it does not make sense for any of the reasons we are being told.  From my viewpoint this war has to be profitable to someone or we would not be there.  I see our soldiers as ponds and it seems very sad to me that many will be deeply disturbed by their experiences there.  The suicide rate in the military is alarming and those who will have PTSD from their time in Iraq and Afghanistan may suffer for the rest of their lives.  Think of this sad impact on their families and their communities? 

War is ugly and insane and yet our leaders keep putting our nation into these situations and our military in harms way.  This is unacceptable to me, is it unacceptable to you also?  Isn’t it time we said “NO” to any more wars.  Who said, “We have met the enemy and he is us?”  I just looked this up on the web and it is from a cartoon and the character who said that was Pogo.  A cartoon, isn’t that interesting because there is nothing funny about this timely quote except that we are doomed to repeat it until we wake up. 

It is time we all wake up to:

  • The power in each of us, which is much greater than we have yet been willing to step fully into
  • The reality that war is always for something other than the greater good and yet so many fall for the same old snow job of our leaders and the opinionaters who fuel the fire for war, through hate, fear, anger etc.
  • The truth that corporate interests are the not the interests of the people but only of those who profit, corporations should not have legal rights other than those that are guaranteed to do no harm
  • The sad truth that humanity now has the capacity to wipe itself out a hundred times over and it is only a matter of time unless we say “no” to the fear mongers and instead build relationships that can truly resolve the problems of the world
  • The realization that greed is the major controlling force in the world today and we have to change that or it will bring us all down
  • The great danger of those who lead who have lost touch with their hearts and their ability to have compassion for the ordinary people they serve not the money influence, and remember “we are the leaders we are looking for”
  • The Tea Party is about anger and it is a reflection of some basic truth which is that there is reason to be angry but the focus of that anger is misplaced because government isn’t the problem but those that buy influence really want you to believe that
  • The right to healthcare for all, the right to prosperity for all not just a few, the right to the end of wars and its drain on the prosperity of our nation, the right to have a genuine freedom of beliefs, and so much more that gets pushed aside to support the status quo
  • The dangers of fundamentalism (Muslim, Christian etc.) and of any belief system are obvious if we pay attention because they seem to want to beat everyone into submission
  • The answer is not more jails, in the US we represent 6% of the population of the world but we imprison 33% of those in prison and 80-95% of the people in prison are victims of abuse and trauma as children, we are locking up the people we have allowed to be abused
  • The misinformed idea that unchecked capitalism is a good idea when in fact it is economic suicide for the middle class and that free trade isn’t free trade because it only benefits those that get wealthy from it.
  • The emptiness of those who shout opinions full of fear, full of blame, full of hate, full of anger on the radio and the sadness that anyone would actually believe the toxicity of their ideas
  • The idea that there are solutions and we are endlessly creative and resourcefulness to come up with them
  • The idea that there is hope, the hope lies not in our ego-minds but in our hearts and our higher nature

There is much more to add to this list but the purpose of the list is to remind ourselves that today is the day to do something positive, creative and solutions oriented for the good of humanity from the wisdom of our heart and the light of spirit.  

This is the time and you are the person these times call upon to be what you are here to be with boldness, wisdom and heart. 

Breaking The Cycle of Trauma Caused Substance Abuse

My work is with very traumatized people who end up using drugs and alcohol as a way to deal with the trauma usually occurring early in their life.   As I may have mentioned before people don’t become addicts because they want to or lack willpower, they become addicts in an attempt to bury something inside.  Yes there is a disease model for addictions but I see the disease as primarily emotional and mental.

Trauma is a part of many people’s lives from abuse and neglect as a child, to car accidents, to war, to rape, and so much more.  This is all trauma and trauma continues to reside in the body unless it is released.  I regularly work with clients who have been so traumatized as a child that they are unable to close their eyes in the company of others even briefly to try different mindfulness practices. 

A client I talked with lately was threatened when a male jumped her on the way home at night from work and he stole her purse and said he knows where she lives now so don’t call the police because he would come and get her if she did.  This trauma was on top of her past abuse history and it pushed her over the edge and she felt she had to go drink to deal with all the fear that haunted her thoughts.

Weeks later she ends up in Detox because once she starts drinking she drinks to not feel anything.  This is not a death wish but a numbing wish.  She has been through a number of treatments but inevitably the trauma that resides in her pushes her back to drinking.  She gets crazy angry in her drinking and it is no wonder why.  She says she is finally ready to dig through the remains of that past abuse because she now sees clearly that if she doesn’t the cycle of drinking to numb will not go away.  This story fits for so many of those who end up with addictions

Breaking the cycle of trauma that sabotages a person’s life is essential but not easy.  There are some techniques in my field of mental health that can be useful and there are therapies that are more body release centered rather than focused on talk therapy.  I just put on hold a bunch of books (got Waking The Tiger by Peter Levine last night) on therapy for trauma because I feel there is more to do to help these clients than is usually done.  There is no magic approach so I am going to read and explore what others have used that can be helpful. What I find myself searching for is a few techniques that offer the greatest potential for healing.

If you have been traumatized and have successfully recovered from these events, please let me know what has worked well for you.  Over the next few weeks I am going to read everything I can get my hands on to explore what has been successful so far in relieving and releasing the impact of trauma.

If you have been traumatized in your life, there is hope through healthy release and there are people in most communities that are like me, searching for the best ways to help you heal.  Usually there healing professionals can be found in mental health and addiction agencies as well as private practice.  A good counselor is kind, compassionate, active in their listening, patient and supportive.  This work can take come time so find someone you trust and feel confident in. 

What Growth Edge Are You Wanting To Explore

Recently I heard a couple of interviews of William Buhlman who specializes in exploring out of body experiences (OBE’s) as a pathway to higher consciousness and the highest expression of the human potential.  Both at Sounds True (see ad to the right) and Theatre of the Mind have interviewed William because he really represents leading edge human exploration.  If you Google him you will see that he is getting out there to share is experiences and also to invite others to go exploring in this unique way. 

I wish I could say that I have had OBE’s but that is not something I have experienced.  This exploration however is very intriguing because he says it is a powerful way to experience true freedom.  As you know from reading my blog that freedom is of great interest to me.  The idea of being out of the restrictions of the physical body and back to my more natural state of expanded awareness is something I will checkout further and share with you as I go exploring. 

This urge to go exploring is growing and from what I can figure out there are aspects of me that want to be expressed.  Life is such a wonderful experiment and I want to go see where I can go next. 

Work is going to get more interesting again as the treatment side opens up and I get to go back to doing my regular job.  The challenges of helping those in the beginning stages of recovery from addiction are intense and also rewarding when clients do well.  Two of my clients from the past just completed one year of sobriety and are doing very well.  I am grateful to have the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives. 

Yet the seeker in me is calling and I have things to learn, to explore, to create, to expand into, to be more aware and conscious of.  Maybe I will go to some OBE’s or explore a deeper aspect of Shamanism or Taoist Meditation that call me.  What whisper has been getting louder in you?  Where is your growth edge and are you on it, tentative or in avoidance?

Have a good weekend and take some time to see what is inside of you that wants to come more to the surface.  

Is Your Mind Stuck On A Dangerous Ideology?

Since writing briefly about ideology yesterday my mind kept on thinking about reasons we need to be more aware of the impact of those who are run by their ideologies.  Ideology is too often a blinding force that locks down minds and closes a person capacity for compassion.  In these times ideology drives people: to turn themselves in to bombs; to kill doctors and feel righteous; and to spread hate towards those that have different thoughts then they do.  Ideology is an illness of the mind caused by rigidity of thinking and a disconnection from one’s heart.

There is much to be concerned about since ideology is a gaining force in the world today.

Ideologues are:

  • Sure they are right - They are not however right because no ideology is right. This kind of thinking is too rigid and inflexible.
  • Sure everyone else should believe as they do – This kind of ego driven viewpoint never is the truth and makes everyone else wrong.
  • Closed-minded and not willing to see others points of view – A closed mind is a sure sign that things are not right or healthy.
  • Will live by their beliefs even if they destroy their relationships and isolate them from people who care – Others cannot stay connected to those that have lost touch with themselves and their hearts.
  • Able to rationalize their behavior no matter how out of control it gets – The mind is cleaver at making even the most ridiculous ideas ok that is why being alive enough to feeling and be aware are so important to keep us in touch with the wisdom within.
  • Filled with blame and anger towards those who question them – Ideologist dislike being questioned because they cannot argue logically for their beliefs because these beliefs are not logical.
  • Willing to bully those who are different than they are – Lately in the news has been the story of people being bullied for being different, they are being bullying because of the heartless ideology of others.
  • Willing to die for their cause – Just the idea of willing to die for a cause needs to be questioned, is this about dying to prove they are right?
  • Willing to go to war with those who think differently than they do – War is insanity caused by ideology that insists on being right and eliminating opposition.
  • Willing to kill others in the name of their ideology – This is the ultimate in self-deception and rationalization, all humans know it is wrong to murder others but an ideologue thinks they know better than everyone else and are above the societies values.

Many of us have a variety of points of view but we are not attached to being right or so sure everyone else in wrong and we don’t hate or seek to harm others who think differently.   The most important thing to remember is that our thoughts are just our thoughts and they should never be in charge of our life. 


Part Three of The Busy Mind and Leaving Ideology Behind

Examine the mind was part one and being mindful was part two of how to corral the busy mind into a healthier pace.  In my class last night I was looking at Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as the method to explore for this class on counseling theory.  In any cognitive oriented work with clients the main focus is on examining our thoughts and beliefs.  We all have faulty thinking, incorrect beliefs, misperceptions of self, and limiting self-talk.  These mistakes of thinking are where we will focus in today’s post.

Thinking is made up of what we learn, what we study and explore, what we sense, what others have told us, and our reactions to situations, events and the world we live in.   Thinking is complex because so much of it is not ours but passed to us from others.  As mentioned in another previous post, our thinking is too often made up of unexamined ideas and beliefs that are running us and we are not even sure how come. 

Let’s look at thoughts from the viewpoint that they all need to be evaluated carefully and objectively with the intention of determining whether these thought running around in our head are true for us or not.  Most of our thoughts are not the truth.  They are just thoughts.  If they are not true what should we do?

Begin by question every thought and belief we have.  Question these ideas by asking are they true or not?  Are they reality or just an idea we agree to believe in?  Ask are we more than our thoughts?  What beliefs that we have are passed on to us and need to be re-evaluated?  How do we know if a belief is true or not?  Who decides what is true for you and I?  If something is passed on to us or taught to us does that make it right?  What beliefs from our church, minister and religion need to be examined?  What beliefs from our schooling, our peers and our family need to be questioned? 

False beliefs and faulty thinking are huge inhibiters to a wonderful life; where and how are we holding ourselves back?

After I wrote this first draft I had this insight as I was listening to an interview of James O’Dea on Theatre of the Mind.   Ideology is a great threat to our world and ideology is made up of unexamined thoughts and beliefs.  In history most wars and much human suffering have been caused by ideology.  Ideology is groupthink at its lowest most destructive form.  Consciousness and compassion are humans at their most open and enlightened thinking.

Free yourself and help free all of us by examining all your thoughts and beliefs.  All the world’s problems will shrink away when we find peace of mind and live by our higher truths.  

Part Two of Busy Mind and What To Do

First a follow-up about the Chamber Of Commerce, after a website was setup called, stopthechamber.com, there has been many threats directed toward a progressive advocacy group called the Velvet Revolution who set up that site.  Read more here.   There is much more going on here than supporters of the Chamber of Commerce are willing to be open and honest about. 

I want to return to my post about how our busy minds can greatly unsettle our lives.  Our minds are often so out of control that we are running around full of anxiety caused by nothing other than our thoughts.  Heaven or hell exists in the realm of our thoughts much more than they exist in any physical reality.  If we are anxious, we can find peace of mind by changing our thoughts.  If we are depressed, fearful, angry, hurt etc we can turn towards our thoughts for healthier states of mind. 

What else can we do to take back the workings of our mind?  The first step was to get to know what was going on and if we pay close enough attention we can hear/see that our thoughts are out of control and causing us real discontent.  (See Busy Mind, Unsettled Life below for more details.)  Once this becomes clear then it is time to see what can be done. 

With awareness of our predicament we can then set about to make the needed changes.  The next step is to attempt to regulate our thoughts.  Thought regulation sounds logical but remember that is just another thought and more complicated than most would guess.  There is where mindfulness is a very powerful tool.  With mindfulness, there is no agenda to make something happen, instead the goal is to watch your thoughts without judging them and in the watching things begin to change.  Change happens because we bring our focus to what we want to change.  With the intention of watching, we step back from the mental drama and free ourselves to be more present to what is and less attached to what should be.  As we deepen our ability to be present to what is, the more our thoughts can slow down and become manageable. 

Our mind wants to be managed because it feels better to be in control of our thoughts and feelings.  Mindfulness is a simple but very useful way of bringing order to disorder.  As we slow down and observe ourselves: we gain compassion for our journey; we learn that kindness towards self feels better; and we gain a sense of hope because we see we can make a difference in our own life.  This sense of being able to make a difference translates to taking more responsibility and to feeling more empowered. 

Each of you is invited to take some time today to bring some mindfulness into your life.  Every moment spent mindfully encourages more mindfulness.  Here are some ways to begin:

  • When you wake up in the morning tune in and commit to watching your thoughts and feelings objectively and with kindness.
  • As the day proceeds, keep watchful on the morning commute, walking your dog, stopping by the coffee shop, while sitting at your computer or whatever happens in your morning.
  • At lunch take a mindfulness break even if it is just to walk around outside and make contact with nature or finding a quiet place to reconnect with your inner self. 
  • When you eat dinner do so mindfully and appreciate the food and the people you share your meal with.  Eating mindfully expands the appreciation.
  • A meditative walk or sit before you head to bed will allow you to survey the inner happenings of the mind and invite a deepening of peacefulness both of thoughts and feelings.  Sleep will come with greater ease in this peaceful state.

Have a mindful day.

Is Your Eating Out Of Control?

Lately I have been noticing the rising prevalence of food in our world.  My wife and I are guilty of being “foodies” watching The Food Network and enjoying good foods. There are two entire networks focused on food (The Food Network and The Cooking Channel).  I love good food and so do most people.  There is however possibly something else going on here.

According to recent health studies in this country we are in the midst of an Obesity Epidemic.  If you look around and even downward you will see that many are caught up in eating more than is needed.   I know without question I eat more than I need and if it wasn’t for all my daily working out I would be significantly overweight.  What is food providing us that we can’t get enough of and why has eating become so addictive or out of control?

Sweets are off the charts in variety and quantity now available.  Sugar, corn syrup and other sweeteners are found in most foods.  Maybe it is a sugar addiction that is driving us?   Or maybe there is a deeper hunger?

I have to use myself as part of my investigation about what is going on with food.  My answer as a mental health professional and study subject is that our endless hunger for food is more than an addiction.  If suspect we crave food because we are attempting to sooth ourselves.  Food can be very self-soothing when things are stressful, when the there is a great deal of unrest, insecurity and fear.   These times have us all stirred up whether we are aware of it or not. 

If we eat to deal with the problems of our world, to deal with our anxiety we will over eat.  Eating is both to meet our body’s needs and to provide satisfaction from a meal we appreciate.  If we appreciate a lot of foods we will probably have to deal with weight issues anyway.  If however we add eating for self-soothing on top of eating because we enjoy it then weight is sure to be an issue unless we are one of those with a high metabolism (which is unfair to the rest of us.) 

So what can we do?  I will still eat for enjoyment and nourishment but I am going to see if I can practice some other self-soothing techniques.  Here are a four ways I am going to explore to better sooth whatever is stirred in me:

  1. When stressed or bored, I am going to sit back for a few minutes and bring my focus to my breath.  Slowing and deepening my breath will naturally be self-soothing.
  2. I am going to bring more self-awareness and mindfulness to my eating between meals.  I tend to eat at work when I am bored or frustrated.  I want to learn what else causes me to eat mindlessly.  Instead of eating I will get up and walk mindfully down the hall and into the other part of the building.  As I walk I can tune into what is going on inside.
  3. When eating meals I am going to slow down.  I have a habit of eating too fast and thereby not allowing myself to fully enjoy my meals.  Slowing down is a good idea anyway but doing it around eating will bring my focus to more enjoying and appreciating the moment.
  4. I also want to explore some of the new practices I am reading about so I have more tools in my box to assist my clients and my students.  In the next week or so I am going to put together at least 3 or 4 new techniques that I can play around with to self-sooth. 

My thought is that these practices will also have a positive affect on my waistline and I am sure it will on yours if you give these ideas a try. 

Politics, Social Issues, Thoughts And Emotions, What Do We Do?

Yesterday I wrote about watching all that goes on in the mind and this morning as I was doing my review of what is happening in the world (via the Web) I found my mind getting full of thoughts and feelings being stirred up.  The mind is the source of fire and the emotions are the flames.  I find when I read about what is going on that I am not ok with all the injustices, the greed, the crazy and uninformed political ideas and more and it is difficult for me to not become very caught up in what is going on and feel upset about it. 

I however don’t want to become run by my thoughts and emotions as so many are out there as the elections near.  Instead I am doing my best to just watch what is arising in me.  By watching my thoughts I can regulate them and by sensing my emotions I can be respectful of them but keep from fanning the flame of intensity.   Being mindful allows me to make choices about my thoughts and resulting emotions. 

There are at least four situations on my radar today that seem really worth thinking about and recognizing the feelings that get stirred.   I can do my best to keep from getting into a whirlwind of reactions but frankly some of these situations are in need of passionate responses. 

The foreclosure mess by mortgage companies is greed in full action.  There are many people who through there own unclear thinking have fallen prey to the greed that runs these businesses.  Now the heartless companies are taking 2 million homes from families in foreclosure.  Is this acceptable to you because to me it feels wrong, it lack compassion, and is all about greed.  Yes the people involved have to take responsibility for the mess they are in and we need to find a better way to fix this mess than take away their homes.  I watch my thoughts about this and feel my feelings but decide not to allow my thoughts to ramp me up emotionally.  If I change my thoughts I can change my emotional state.  You can also.

The US Chamber of Commerce is paying out millions of dollars to influence this upcoming election.  This organization is a huge supporter of unchecked capitalism and the right wing agenda.  They will not disclose where their money is coming from even though there are rumors about foreign funds being used to influence our elections.  If these unregulated funds are allowed to happen then we are shaping a shadow government run by money we don’t know where it comes from.  This is a battle for democracy holding the Chamber responsible.  This leads to a shadow government because those running the influence show are not known.  It is only a hunch, but I highly suspect it is right, this is about returning the power to unchecked capitalism no matter what the cost is to the rest of us because those run by greed, ego and power always want more.  I can feel the heat inside flame up and I have to step back and not fuel the negative reactivity.

The Tea Party is made up of lots of older people like myself except we have some different views.  They don’t seem to care about the future of our nation, they don’t support public education, they don’t support government, they don’t support taxes (yet many are on social security and medicare) and maybe it is because they don’t care about the future after they die?   I think the future matters, so does education, so does government, and taxes are essential.  After I am gone, I hope for a better world not the greed and power driven world we live in.  Yes I do have strong feelings about what is right and wrong but the blame has to be on us because we are the ones that need to clear our thoughts and be less run by emotions like anger, hate and fear. We are the ones we are looking for to lead us to better times but this must be done mindfully.

Lastly, the election is getting near and the idea that the Tea Party might gain some power is of concern because they are more about irrationality, blame, fear, and anger then about what is good for us all.  If people vote for Tea Party candidates they can only do so because they are run by their faulty thinking and highly charged emotions.  The Tea Party has no clear plan to make America better it just has anger. You and I must not get caught up in what is wrong but get active in fidning solutions, which can only be discovered with a clear mind and supportive emotions.

Please remember our thoughts are not real, they are just thoughts. Tea Party people and the charge of emotions running through them are caused by their thoughts, which need to be more closely examined.  It is past time for a deeper, more compassionate review of what is going on.

I too am disappointed with what is going on in Washington DC.  I too know there needs to be changes but these changes have to be thoughtful, mindful, compassionate, conscious, and from a place of clear awareness not from our crazy thoughts of the mind or their highly charged emotions.    

As I write this I am aware of not wanting to place blame on anyone, we are all imperfect and we are all trying to make the best of what is.  The truth is there are real problems and the solutions are within us if we are able to step aside from our old, incorrect thoughts and beliefs and not allow ourselves to be run by our emotions.    

Busy Mind, Unsettled Life

It is getting cold at night and I find I don't like to be cold that much anymore.  Colorado can be full of extremes with close to 80 degrees today and frost last night.  My gloves were on for my run in the morning but soon my sleeves were pulled up and the glove in my pocket.  We humans are amazingly adaptive.  I think of the miners in Chile who went through a really awful ordeal and how they adapted to being in that hole for 69 days and now they will have to adapt to the media, the attention, and their forever altered experience of life. 

This got me thinking about the mind and its affect on how we experience life.  The mind is complicate, mysterious and unpredictable.  How we handle things is a mixture of experience, conditioning, choice, flexibility and creativity.  The more flexible the mind, the more options we have in dealing with the challenges of life.  Some of the latest research on the mind I have been reading (The Mind And The Brain by Jeffrey Schwartz and Sharon Begley and the Awakening the Mind by Anna Wise) show the mind to be more flexible, and more adaptive than we had thought of in the past.

There really is no limit to the minds capacity to flex, be fluid, be open, understand, innovate, create and so much more.  How much exploring of our own mind's capacities do we do?  When was the last time we thought about taking our mind for a drive to see how it performs or try to test its capacities.  Most likely rarely or ever is the intentional exploration of our mind going on.  We take for granted what our mind can do and often never take it anywhere other then down the familiar pathways. 

Maybe it is time to do some exploring?  Maybe it time to push off the comfortable couch of habit and the ordinary?  Maybe it is time to see what is possible in new and exploratory ways? Are you up for an adventure?

Let’s start simple and we will expand from there.  First lets begin by getting to know our mind.  The mind is a busy, buzzing center so the first thing we can become aware of it all that goes on there in our brain just to keep us up and running.  This endless activity is natural for all of us.  See if there is some kind of rhythm or order to the workings of the mind, does it just go or pulse, or surge, or rise and fall in activity. 

If you are willing to take the time to notice as you read this, sit back and just listen inward to the fast stream of thoughts and inner dialogue.   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Stay with the listening for at least a few minutes.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What do you notice as you listen in to the workings of your own mind? 


Then return to listening and see what happens, does it continue to be firing rapidly or does it alter its pace.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Sometimes just the act of listening can slow the mind down.  

Now pay more attention to the content, the focus, the tone, the perspective, of the thought parade and also notice if it is supportive or critical.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What do you notice this time?

What many notice when we explore the workings of our own mind is that our thoughts are totally out of control and distracting.  This awareness invites us to think about taking our lives back from the chaos and craziness of the mind.  This state of unsettled activity leaves us without any questions about why we have such a difficult time finding peace within. 

In the next post or two I will talk about taking this mind-watching further and a few ways to bring a greater degree of calmness to the workings of our mind. 

Unexamined Beliefs Leave You Stuck Outside Yourself

I wanted to follow up on my blog from Monday about being blinded by our beliefs. I was listening to a program on NPR on the way to work yesterday morning about young men who were frustrated with their lives and had taken up religion (Muslim) as a way to fully believe in something.  In the story a young man now older had grown tired of the hate that dominates some of the more extreme versions of that faith.  This growing tired of an aspect of a religion seems live a sign of maturity and age-acquired understanding.  The initial entry into the extreme version of this religion was more an adolescent desire to push back against the establishment. 

The natural process of being a teenager is to seek to find a unique expression that can signal a person heading out on his own.  This personal expression for the one seeking to be unique is best when it pushes against the family norms.  This push is a biological imperative called, “individuation.”  If the extreme appeals then the person can by action boast of taking a stand by being different.  This is the way a young person's mind can rationalize: going against the establishment, taking on beliefs that make statements because they are so anti-whatever,  joining the warrior class of "extremists" or "patriots", or other adolescent chest pumping (also recognized as ego expression).  

The process of maturation is one of shifting from the rebellious nature towards one of how to fit in and make a life for oneself.  This maturing journey is filled with ups and downs, twist and turns and lessons learned.  The acquired understanding makes the examination of beliefs a natural by-product.  This exploring and owning or disowning of beliefs is what adults sense is part of what they are to go through.  If the adolescent belief system is not updated, there is a halt in the maturing process.    

It seems all young people guided by religious beliefs need to go through the process of evaluating what they believe or they move forward in life guided by ideas that they don't own.  A way of life unexamined is one that cannot be genuinely fulfilling because it is a life separated from the individual's unique expression.  How can someone live according to another's ideas and guidelines and be fully who they are? 

If a person is a Muslim, a Catholic, a Jew, a Christian or other religion, they must come to it again as an adult through a thorough examination of what are their own truths.  This is a clearly individual process that may include a mentor, counselor, minister or other guide but it is still for the person to decide.  If no new, different or expanded possibilities are allowed to be explored then the faith is only blind faith.  Blind faith is a major problem in our world because the blind cannot see, the sure cannot grow, and closed minds are doomed to live out what does not work. 

Simply put, this is a journey that is essential to the health and well-being of each individual and for the good of humanity, which includes examination of ideas and beliefs to insure ongoing growth and maturity.  Without the questioning, there is only the passed on beliefs and a stagnation of growth.  Without growth and maturity we are left with the ideas that made the past a mess and puts the future teetering on a shaky foundation. 

Living In The Now

In the past I have been a big advocate of journaling and have used the practice and found it very helpful.  My students have been journaling for this counseling class and I intended to also but can’t seem to get motivated.  I feel like most of the journaling is about the past and I feel I don’t want to spend time there.  Spending time in the past is not where I want to be and here is why.

Looking over the past is often used to review what went wrong and if we take that review and make changes that can be valuable.  If we use the past to beat ourselves up what we should have done then spending time with our past has no value unless we like feeling lousy about ourselves.

The past is no longer so why spent time there.   Living in what was, makes little sense because then we are just living in memories and not living in the reality of the present.  Being in the past makes me miss the present.   How can we possibly create a successful life if we are not in the present?

Let’s do some exploration here:

When was the last time you paid attention to where your thoughts take you?  Have you ever?

Do you spend most of your day in the present?

Is most of your day revisiting the past?

Do you live for the future in hope that it will be better?

If you are rehearsing for an upcoming interaction are you in

the now or in the future?

Do you feel the past is where all the good of life resides and what keeps the now from being better?

Does planning for the future every create results in the future or are those results in the now?

Can we truly get better by understanding the past?

Are we a collection of experiences made up of the past or are we who we are in the moment?

Where is joy and happiness, the past, present or future?

Are negative emotions the product of the past, the present or the future?

Do you ever miss out on what is going on in your life by being focused on what was or what you hope will happen?

If you live today for tomorrow could you miss the beauty of the moment?

If you have doubts about yourself aren’t they from you remaining in the past or projecting into the future?

There are many questions to be asked about being in the present and why that matters so keep on asking them of yourself.  Be Here Now is the title of an enlightening book by Ram Dass and if you get a chance to read this book I highly recommend you will gain appreciation for why it is so expansive to live in the now.

The Blinding Quality Of Beliefs

I saw a bumper sticker that says, "I don't believe the liberal media."  This got me thinking a number of things.  One is that Fox is the one network that is clearly and blatantly biases toward the Republican/Conservative point of view.  Talk radio across the nation is at least twice as much conservative as it is liberal.  The media in general is really dominated by the interests of the corporations that own them.  Corporations in general share more Republican/Conservative points of view.  Yes there are some news shows that have a liberal point of view but they seem far less than the ones that have a conservative point of view.  So what is this bumper sticker talking about?

Liberal in the dictionary means open minded and receptive to a variety of ideas.  Conservative means tending toward the ways things were in the past and more closed to new ideas.  The news should be about what is happening now, not in the past but in the present.  Does that make the media liberal? 

My suspicion is that any media that questions the points of view of the conservatives is considered liberal.  That is not too big of a leap is it?  The questioning is what upsets the conservatives because they believe in the past and their theories without questioning whether they worked or not.   Does this mean that any questioning of the conservative point of view has to be from liberals?

The other part of this message on this guy's truck is the idea of belief.  He says he doesn't believe liberal media.  Does that mean he is closed in his thinking towards anyone who thinks differently then he does.  That would be the conservative point of view which is conservative ideas are right because they come from the past and we don't question our ideas? 

There seems to be a major issue here from my point as a person who is very dedicated to questioning people and situations because that seems the only way to help people get towards greater health.  If you think you already have the answers then you have closed the possibilities of change.  If my clients are closed to change they will most likely die of there addictions.  If people are closed to examining their beliefs they will most likely never get unstuck. 

The media in reality is biased towards their corporate interests, towards making profits, towards selling ads, towards creating reactions etc and Left and Right play second to the corporate interests.  Media is no longer about news but more about entertainment and opinion so where is this liberal media located?

The world from my point of view as a mental health professional needs to be driven by our questions in pursuit of solutions to the many issues that are out there.  Awareness is needed not blind faithInsight is needed not the same old ideas.  Open-minded people are essential and those who are closed-minded have nothing new to add to the discussion.

Are You Aware?

Updates on a couple of things: one of my friends Neal ran his best marathon ever in Chicago yesterday.   Running a marathon is really challenging.  The first 20 miles go by pretty well but the last 6 seem to last forever.  Maybe 10/10/10 was lucky for him but running that well is not about luck but more about lots of practice. 

Another thing I wanted to share is that I have read a majority of papers from my class and they are excellent with very thoughtful responses.  It is tough to grade this paper because it is about their level of awareness.  I think they all get an “A” for awareness.

Awareness is about being tuned into self and the world around us.  Awareness means we are in touch with our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, body, relationship with others, and maybe even our higher nature.  Awareness is necessary for humans to function in healthy ways in the world.  Unaware people don’t know their own minds, ignore their feelings, trash their body and too often loose touch with their spirit, which gets buried under religious beliefs. 

What do we need to be aware of to experience full awareness:

  • Our thoughts that often seem endless
  • Our self-talk, which often limits us
  • Our self-esteem that can be negative because of our misperceptions of self
  • Our beliefs because often they need to be questioned
  • Our emotions because they give us feedback about what is working for us and what is not
  • Our emotions because they color our experience of life
  • Our heart because we need to be aware enough to know if it is open or closed
  • Our body because we need to feed it well and we know when we don’t
  • Our body because its need to be exercised and stretched and rested
  • Our ability to be present
  • Our contact with out spirit
  • If we are carrying tension or are feeling tight
  • If we are blocked or open energetically
  • If we are tuned in intuitively
  • If we are open creatively
  • If we are open to connecting deeply with others
  • If we are open in our thinking
  • If we taking the time we need to care for self
  • If we are focusing on being or are we just all doing
  • If we are judging self and others
  • If we need to be more patient
  • If we need to be more humble
  • If we need to be awake to the people and the world around us
  • If we are a supportive partner/parent/friend to those we love
  • If we are compassionate to others
  • If we allow ourselves to enjoy life
  • If we are are open to the beauty that surrounds us
  • If we appreciate the moment
  • If we are in hurry or worry mode
  • If we are able to tune into our breath and slow ourselves down
  • If we are in touch with the needs of those around us
  • If we are aware when we stuff emotions
  • If we are able to see we have blindspots
  • If we can use feedback to better ourselves
  • If we are listening to out intuition and allowing it to guide us
  • If we are able to quiet down enough to hear the wisdom inside
  • If we can sense when we are tense and take action to release
  • If we can play and have fun or are we too serious

This is just a brief list of things we can tune in to and become more aware.  Awareness is very empowering because it enables us to consciously choose our experience of life.


Today date has something magical or at least interesting about it.  I had to write about it although I am unsure what so I will let the Great Source of Inspiration work through me as I write today. 

I am sure in numerology this set of numbers would be meaningful but I don’t understand numerology.  Maybe some of my readers do and can lend their knowledge and theories.

It has to mean something positive or lucky because this is a once in many lifetimes special date.  Maybe that is just a thought and it will be only as lucky as my thoughts are.  Since thoughts are attractive forces I could be onto something that is at least possible.

Maybe this is a portal into enlightenment where everyone awake enough to pay attention can become awakened today.  Boy that would be a good thing because these times could use a great big dose of enlightenment. 

Or it could indicate 30, or multiplied 1000 or what would 10 squared by 10 squared by 10 squared equal?  Numbers are always interested and people who are bright with numbers and formulas of numbers have some kind of mind power I have yet to discover.  Maybe it is a lesson in humility about what we don’t yet understand and how much potential we have yet to explore.

Anyway as you can see I have no answers but I do have a plan.  I am going to buy some lottery tickets today in case there is luck in this day.  I am going to be open to enlightenment.  I will be humble in the face of mathematical understanding and for all the wisdom I have yet tapped into.  And finally I am going to appreciate what this day brings me. 

Enjoy and may this day be special in a way that delights you.  Let me know what was special about this day for you.

Be sure and read yesterdays post because these 8 steps to freedom will greatly enhance the rest of your life even if 10-10-10 does not.

Or maybe it is the long lost secret formula for world peace.  Be peaceful and spread your peace, consciousness and compassion to ten people who spread it to ten more and then those spread it to ten more and on and on and we will have world peace soon.